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What Does NCLB Mean to Families, Teachers & Community Leaders?

Families l Teachers l Community Leaders

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The U. S. Department of Education published booklets that explain What No Child Left Behind Means for . . . Families, Familias - Espanol,  , Educators,   Communities

For Families

Read this message to families from President George W. Bush:

"It's time for our schools to set high standards for what our children should know and be able to do, to give our schools the tools they need to help every child reach those high standards, and to insist that they reach them. We know that every child can learn. Now is the time to ensure that every child does."

"As parents, you are your children's first and foremost teachers and their strongest advocates. You have a critical role to play—both in the way you raise your children and in the way you work for meaningful and accurate accountability in their schools. This book will show you the way to help change your schools for the better."

President Bush is right. When parents advocate for their disabled children, these children are far more likely to become independent, self-sufficient members of society.

For many parents, negotiating with the school bureaucracy is a frustrating, exhausting ordeal. When confronted with an IEP team that epitomizes the "soft bigotry of low expectations," some parents throw in the towel. Others persist and prevail.

Download No Child Left Behind Booklets for Families &
Familias - Espanol

For Teachers

The Teacher's Booklet includes this message:

"Teaching has never been an easy profession; but these days it is harder than ever. We are asking our schools and teachers to educate all children to meet high standards. This is no simple task."

The Teacher's booklet will show you:

  • What high standards mean and do
  • The purpose of assessments
  • How to use test scores to help every student improve
  • How to improve reading instruction
  • Where to turn for help

For Community Leaders

The President has a message for school board members and community leaders. We hope you will heed his words:

"Our schools are our responsibility, and all of us must take that responsibility seriously . . . what you can do to improve instruction and make schools more accountable for student performance."

"I hope this starts a conversation in your community about how we can raise expectations for our children.

Does This Law Apply to Kids with Disabilities?

Yes. No Child Left Behind applies to all public school children - kids with disabilities, kids with behavior problems, and other kids who have traditionally been written off - minorities, immigrants, and English as Second Language (ESL) youngsters. This law should make it easier to get annual objective testing of your child's skills - a battleground for many parents of kids with disabilities.

A Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind

In A Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind, you learn about new requirements for teachers and paraprofessionals, school report cards, annual testing of math and reading skills. You also learn about new options for parents including transfers from failing schools and free supplemental services - tutoring, after-school programs and summer school.

Download, print and distribute the 4 page printer-friendly version of A Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind.

Visit our No Child Left Behind page for articles, recommended resources, fact sheets, and more.

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