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When President Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act, he gave this advice to parents:

"As parents, you are your children's first teachers and their strongest advocates. You have a critical role to play - both in how you raise your children and in how you work for meaningful and accurate accountability in their schools."

Only 32% of fourth graders are proficient readers who read at a fourth grade level. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) emphasizes accountability and teaching methods that work. A large focus of this law is on reading achievement.

NCLB covers all states, school districts, and schools that accept Title 1 federal grants. One way or another, this law covers all public schools in all states. NCLB will have a big impact on your child's education. You need to learn about this law. These articles and resources will help you get started.

"Too many children are segregated in schools without standards, shuffled from grade to grade . . . This is discrimination, pure and simple." - President George W. Bush


A Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind
. Learn about new requirements for teachers and paraprofessionals, school and school district report cards, annual testing in math and reading. You will also learn about new options for parents including transfers from failing schools and free supplemental services - tutoring, after-school programs and summer school. Printer-friendly version of A Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind to distribute.

No Child Left Behind: What Educators, Principals & Administrators Need to Know. In addition to new options for parents, including transfers from failing schools and free supplemental services - tutoring, after-school programs and summer school, NCLB includes new requirements about educating teachers and paraprofessionals, school and school district report cards, and annual testing of math and reading skills. What Educators Need to Know is also available in a 4 printer-friendly version for distribution.

Facts About Teacher Training & Certification: Are We Destroying the Future, One Child at a Time? In this article, we take a closer look at teacher quality, training and certification. Learn about the findings of the Teacher Quality Report, check your state's pass rates for teachers, and learn more about the No Child Left Behind Act.

Facts About State Improvement Lists
. What happens when schools do not make adequate yearly progress? Learn about state, school district and state report cards; supplemental services to children who attend low performing schools.

No Child Left Behind: Overview of Public Law 107-110. No Child Left Behind promises to raise standards for all children and to help all children meet these standards. This article focuses on deadlines, legal clarifications, and offers legal and advocacy resources.

Schools Must Measure Progress & Report Results to Parents. Schools must measure each child's progress every year and must report these results to the child's parents and to the public. Yes, this requirement applies to children in special education.

What Does No Child Left Behind Mean to Families, Teachers, Community Leaders? Information for parents, teachers, school board members and community leaders about NCLB, links to informational brochures from U. S. Department of Education.

"You have a right to know whether your child is learning at school . . .
If your child is not making adequate progress in school, you can and must ask why
- Secretary Rod Paige

President Bush Signs No Child Left Behind Act (Jan 8, 2002)
When the president signed the No Child Left Behind Act, he gave advice to parents.

Kids from 8,652 Failing Schools Can Transfer - Is Your Child's School on The List? (July 1, 2002)
Secretary Rod Paige announced that students in more than 8,600 schools are eligible to attend higher-performing schools because their schools failed to meet state academic standards for two years. In this article, you learn about failing schools and new options for parents.

Lowering the Bar of Expectations. (Oct 23, 2002) Sec. Rod Paige warns that "Some states have lowered the bar of expectations to hide the low performance of their schools . . . others are discussing how they can ratchet down their standards to remove schools from their list of low performers."

"As a nation, we have made the commitment to all children in our public schools that every one of them can and will learn. Every single child. Regardless of race, income or zip code." - Rod Paige,
Secretary of Education

Flyers, Fact Sheets & Brochures

No Child Left Behind Flyer. Includes information and resources that will answer many questions about No Child Left Behind.

No Child Left Behind Facts Sheets

Facts About Good Teachers: Nothing is more important to a child's success in school than finding well-prepared teachers. But millions of children do not have the benefit of a well-prepared teacher in their classrooms.

Facts About Measuring Progress: For too long, America's education system has not been accountable for its results, and too many children have been locked in failing schools and left behind.

Facts About Reading Achievement: More than 60 percent of students are not proficient readers - more than half do not have the skills they will need to succeed in school or life. The solution? Provide teachers with up-to-date information on how to use scientific-based research to teach reading skills to children - and ensure that they use these methods in the classroom.

Parent's Tool Box - free brochures and information from the U. S. Department of Education.

No Child Left Behind Electronic Newsletter

Brochures from U. S. Department of Education. Make copies - and don't forget to share this information with school administrators and school board members - they need to know what this new law requires!

Families,Familias—Español, Educators, Community Leaders

Legal & Advocacy Resources

No Child Left Behind Website

No Child Left Behind Statute and Legal Resources

Proposed Regulations for No Child Left Behind Act

State Contacts for No Child Left Behind Act

Policy Letters to States from U. S. Dept of Education

Letter about Attempts to Lower Standards to Evade Complying with Law

Letter About Adequate Yearly Progress & School Improvement Options (07/24/02)

Letter about School Choice, Supplemental Services (06/14/02)

Free Pubs

U. S. Department of Education, No Child Left Behind: A Desktop Reference
(October 2002). Get answers to your questions in this new publication from the U.S. Department of Education. Download in Word or pdf or call toll-free: 1-877-433-7827 or 1-800-872-5327 (1-800-USA-LEARN) 

Council of Chief State School Officers, No Child Left Behind Act - A Description of State Responsibilities (July 2002). Outlines states' responsibilities for parts of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002, focuses on provisions that will be more difficult for states to implement. Download

Council of Chief State School Officers and Education Quality Institute, SEA Toolkit on Supplemental Education Services  (June 2002). Under NCLB, students who attend failing schools may receive supplemental education services. States must identify eligible supplemental services providers; parents can choose providers for their children from the state approved list. Providers must use research-based instructional strategies. Supplemental services must be provided for the 2002-2003 school year. Download

Education Commission of the States, Special Report: No State Left Behind: The Challenges and Opportunities of ESEA 2001 (February 2002). Summarizes main provisions and requirements of the NCLB Act: accountability and assessment, reading and literacy, school choice, flexibility; also timelines and funding levels; states' readiness to implement NCLB, links to other pubs. Download

Fordham Foundation, No Child Left Behind - What Will it Take? (February 2002). Papers on state testing systems, NAEP, adequate yearly progress, accountability, more. To order a
free copy, call 1-888-823-7474 or email More info

Major Changes to ESEA in the No Child Left Behind Act
by Learning First Alliance

Using the No Child Left Behind Act to Improve Schools in Your State - A Toolkit for Business Leaders - Information Resources for Business Leadership to Increase Student Achievement under the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, published by the Business Roundtable

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