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Guidance on IDEA
2004 Guidance from the Education Department To provide guidance about how to implement IDEA 2004, the Education Department publishes topics briefs, model forms and other publications and documents. When the IDEA 2004 Regulations were published in the Federal Register, the Education Deparment also published model IEP, Procedural Safeguard, and Prior Written Notice forms. Model Forms Model IEP Form (4 pages) Parental Consent for the Use of Public Benefits or Insurance - Non-Regulatory Guidance on Part B Regulations Regarding Parental Consent for the Use of Public Benefits or Insurance to Pay for Services under the IDEA, Issued February 14, 2013, and Effective March 18, 2013. State
and Districtwide Assessments - New requirements about accommodations;
alternate assessments; new reporting requirements; additional information
in IEPs (2 pages) Discipline - New standards for manifestation determinations; new authority for
school personnel; new standard for "special circumstances";
definition of serious bodily injury; authority of hearing officer;
expedited hearings (3 pages) Disproportionality
and Overidentification - Policies and procedures; collection and
examination of data; requirements when reviewing policies and procedures.
(2 pages) Early
Intervening Services - Activities to implement early intervening
services; professional development; evaluations, scientifically based
literacy instruction; reporting requirements; use of funds. (2 pages) Funding,
State - Changes in formula grants to states; 7-year path to "full
funding"; changes in state-level activities; LEA risk pool; flexibility;
limitations (3 pages) Funding,
Local - Maintenance of effort (MOE) requirements; permissive use
of funds; funds for charter schools (2 pages) Highly
Qualified Special Education Teachers - Definition of highly qualified
teacher; requirements for special education teachers who teach to
alternate achievement standards and multiple subjects; related services
personnel and paraprofessionals; personnel development plans. (4 pages) Initial
Evaluations and Reevaluations - New provision about parental consent
for children who are wards of state; new 60-day timeline for initial
evaluation; procedures for evaluating children who may have specific
learning disabilities; new procedures for reevaluations; new evaluation
requirements before change in eligibility; new requirement about evaluating
present levels of academic achievement and developmental needs of
child. (3 pages) Individualized
Education Programs (IEPs) - New requirements for present levels
of educational performance; accommodations; assessments; changes in
measurable annual goals, measuring progress, reporting progress; new
requirements about services based on peer-reviewed research; changes
to transition requirements; new requirements for children who transfer
within and between states. (3 pages) Individualized
Education Program (IEP) Team Meetings and Changing the IEP - Required
members of IEP team; IEP team member attendance; excusal from IEP
meetings; new provisions about changing IEPs; consolidation of meetings;
alternate ways to participate in meetings. (2 pages) Aligning
IDEA with the No Child Left Behind Act - New definitions
(core academic subjects, limited English proficient, highly qualified
teacher); performance goals and indicators; requirements about reporting
progress in educating children with disabilities to public and state;
alternate achievement standards; records of migratory children; eligibility
determination; personnel development plans. (3 pages) Preschool:
Age 3 to Kindergarten - Part C funds for children ages 3 to Kindergarten;
expanded definition of "infants and toddlers"; new policies
re: notice to parents, educational components; consent. (3 pages) Children
Enrolled By Their Parents In Private Schools - Orovision of services
to children who attend private schools; child find requirements in
private schools;equitable participation; requirements about children
evaluated and found eligible; new requirements for consultation between
public and private school representatives; written affirmation requirements;
right to complain to SEA. Procedural
Safeguards: Surrogates, Notice and Consent - Adds procedures for
appointing surrogate parent; revises requirements about procedural
safeguards notice to parents; additions to notice content, requests
for due process hearings, civil actions; consent for wards of the
state. (3 pages) Procedural
Safeguards: Mediation and Resolution Sessions - New mediation
requirements; new requirements about meeting with a "disinterested
party"; new requirements about legally binding agreements, confidentiality
of discussions, enforceability of agreement; new requirements for
"resolution sessions"; limitations on attorneys' fees. (2
pages) Procedural
Safeguards: Due Process Hearings
- clarifies who may request a due process hearing; specifies timeline
for requesting a due process hearing; new prior written notice requirements
and timelines; new requirements for hearing officers; new guidelines
for issues raised at a due process hearing; new parameters for hearing
officer decisions; timelines for bringing a civil action; additional
provisions for awarding attorneys fees. More
2004 resources. Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition (ISBN: 978-1-892320-16-2, 456 pages, 8 1/2" x 11", perfect bound) by Peter Wright and Pamela Wright is available in two formats. The book includes:
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