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Home > Response to Intervention >Response to Intervention: Guidelines for Parents & Practitioners by James Hale, Ph.D. - References |
Response to Intervention: Guidelines for Parents & Practitioners This list includes References for Further Reading from Response to Intervention: Guidelines for Parents and Practitioners by James B. Hale, Ph.D. Barnett, D. W., Daly, E. J., Jones, K. M., & Lentz, F. E. (2004). Response to intervention: Empirically based special service decisions from single-case designs of increasing and decreasing intensity.The Journal of Special Education, 38, 66-79. Berninger, V. W. (2006). Research-supported ideas for implementing reauthorized IDEA with intelligent professional psychological services.Psychology in the Schools, 43, 781-796. Braden, J. P., & Kratochwill, T. R. (1997). Treatment utility of assessment: Myths and realities.School Psychology Review, 26, 475-485. Feifer, S. G., & Della Toffalo, D. A. (2007). Integrating RTI with Cognitive Neuropsychology. A scientific approach to reading. Middletown, MD: School Neuropsych Press. Fiorello, C. A., Hale, J. B., Holdnack, J. A., Kavanagh, J. A., Terrell, J., & Long, L. (2007). Interpreting intelligence test results for children with disabilities: Is global intelligence relevant? Applied Neuropsychology, 14, 2-12. Fiorello, C. A., Hale, J. B., & Snyder, L. E. (2006). Cognitive hypothesis testing and response to intervention for children with reading disabilities. Psychology in the Schools, 43, 835-854. Flanagan, D. P., Ortiz, S. O., Alfonso, V. C., & Dynda, A. M. (2006). Integration of response to intervention and norm-referenced tests in learning disability identification: Learning from the Tower of Babel. Psychology in the Schools, 43, 807-825. Flanagan, D. P., Ortiz, S. O., Alfonso, V. C., & Mascolo, J. T. (2002). The achievement test desk reference (ATDR): Comprehensive assessment an learning disabilities. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Fletcher, J. M., Denton, C., & Francis, D. J. (2005). Validity of alternative approaches for the identification of learning disabilities: Operationalizing unexpected underachievement. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 545–552. Fletcher, J. M., Shaywitz, S. E., Shankweiler, D. P., Katz, L., Liberman, I. Y., Stuebing, K. K., et al. (1994). Cognitive profiles of reading disability: Comparisons of discrepancy and low achievement definitions. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 1–18. Francis, D. J., Shaywitz, S. E., Stuebing, K. K., Shaywitz, B. A., & Fletcher, J. M. (1996). Developmental delay versus deficit models of reading disability: A longitudinal, individual growth curve analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 3–17. Fuchs, D., & Deshler, D. D. (2007). What we need to know about responsiveness to intervention (and shouldn’t be afraid to ask).Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 22, 129-136. Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., & Compton, D. L. (2004). Identifying reading disabilities by responsiveness to instruction: Specifying measures and criteria. Learning Disability Quarterly, 27, 216–227. Fuchs, D., Mock, D., Morgan, P., & Young, C. (2003). Responsiveness-to-intervention: Definitions, evidence, and implications fro the learning disabilities construct. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 18, 157–171. Gerber, M. M. (2005). Teachers are still the test: Limitations of response to instruction strategies for identifying children with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 516–523. Gresham, F. M., Reschly, D. J., Tilly, D. W., & Fletcher, J., Burns, M., Crist, T., et al. (2005). Comprehensive evaluation of learning disabilities: A response to intervention perspective. The School Psychologist, 59(1), 26-29. Hale, J. B. (2006). Implementing IDEA with a three-tier model that includes response to intervention and cognitive assessment methods. School Psychology Forum: Research and Practice, 1, 16-27. Hale, J. B., & Fiorello, C. A. (2004). School neuropsychology: A practitioner’s handbook. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Hale, J. B., Fiorello, C. A., Kavanagh, J. A., Holdnack, J. A., & Aloe, A. M. (2007). Is the demise of IQ interpretation justified? A response to special issue authors. Applied Neuropsychology, 14, 37-51. Hale, J. B., Kaufman, A., Naglieri, J. A., & Kavale, K. A. (2006). Implementation of IDEA: Integrating response to intervention and cognitive assessment methods. Psychology in the Schools, 43, 753-770. Hosp, M. K., Hosp, J. L., & Howell, K. W. (2007). The ABCs of CBM: A practical guide to curriculum-based measurement.New York, NY: Guilford Press. Joseph, J. E., Noble, K., & Eden, G. F. (2001). The neurobiological basis of reading. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 34, 566-579. Kavale, K. A., & Flanagan, D. P. (2007). Ability-achievement discrepancy, response to intervention, and assessment of cognitive abilities/processes in specific learning disability identification: Toward a contemporary operational definition. In S. R. Jimerson, M. K. Burns, & A. M. VanDerHeyden (Eds), Handbook of response to intervention: The science and practice of assessment and intervention (pp. 130-147). New York, NY: Springer. Kavale, K. A., Holdnack, J. A., & Mostert, M. P. (2005). Responsiveness to intervention and the identification of specific learning disability: A critique and alternative proposal. Learning Disability Quarterly, 28, 2-16. Learning Disabilities Roundtable (2002). Specific learning disabilities: Finding common ground. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Office of Innovation and Development. Lichtenstein, R., & Klotz, M. B. (2007). Deciphering the federal regulations on identifying children with specific learning disabilities. Communique, 36(3), 1. Lichter, D.G. & Cummings, J.L. (Eds.). (2001). Frontal-subcortical circuits in psychiatric and neurological disorders. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Marston, D., Muyskens, P., Lau, M. Y., & Canter, A. (2003). Problem-solving model for decision making with high-incidence disabilities: The Minneapolis experience. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 18, 187-200. Mastropieri, M. A., & Scruggs, T. E. (2005). Feasibility and consequences of response to intervention: Examination of the issues and scientific evidence as a model for the identification of individuals with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 525-531. Mather, N., & Gregg, N. (2006). Specific learning disabilities: Clarifying, not eliminating, a construct. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 37, 99-106. Meyer, M. S. (2000). The ability-achievement discrepancy: Does it contribute to an understanding of learning disabilities?Educational Psychology Review, 12, 315-337. Naglieri, J. A. (1999). Essentials of CAS Assessment. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Ofiesh, N. (2006). Response to intervention and the identification of specific learning disabilities: Why we need comprehensive evaluations as part of the process.Psychology in the Schools, 43, 883-888. Reschly, D. J. (2005). Learning disabilities identification: Primary intervention, secondary intervention, and then what? Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 510–515. Schrank, F. A., Miller, J. A., Catering, L., & Desrochers, J. (2006). American Academy of School Psychology survey on the independent educational evaluation for a specific learning disability: Results and discussion. Psychology in the Schools, 43, 771-780. Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2002). On babies and bathwater: Addressing the problems of identification of learning disabilities.Learning Disability Quarterly, 25, 155-168. Semrud-Clikeman, M. (2005). Neuropsychological aspects for evaluating learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 563-568. Semrud-Clikeman, M., Fine, J., & Harder, L. (2005) The school neuropsychology of learning disabilities. In R.K. D’Amato, E. Fletcher-Janzen, & C.R. Reynolds (Eds.). Handbook of School Neuropsychology. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Tilly, W. D., III (2002). Best practices in school psychology as a problem-solving enterprise. In A. Thomas, & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology IV (pp. 21-36). Washington, DC, US: NASP. Torgesen, J. K. (2000). Individual differences in response to early interventions in reading: The lingering problem of treatment resisters. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 15, 55-64. VanDerHeyden, A. M., Witt, J. C., & Gilbertson, D. (2007). A multi-year evaluation of the effects of a Response to Intervention model on identification of children for special education.Journal of School Psychology. 45, 225-256. Willis, J. O., & Dumont, R. (2006). And never the twain shall meet: Can response to intervention and cognitive assessment be reconciled? Psychology in the Schools, 43, 901-908. Created: 03/31/08