Conservation Plan (HCP) for Bald Eagle
Correspondence Between FWS and Pete & Pam Wright
Stingray Point, Middlesex County, Virginia
Between the time we initiated this process on August 1, 2002 and
August 2003 when the nest blew down, there was a great deal of correspondence
between U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Virginia Department
of Game and Inland Fisheries, and Pete and Pam Wright.
This page has links to key letters between U. S. Fish & Wildlife
Service and Pete and Pam Wright, applicants. All documents are in
25, 2002 - Letter from Karen Mayne to Pete and Pam Wright.
FWS recommends that we apply for a Section 10 permit based on assumption
that nest is active (breeding/nesting season ended on July 16, 2002);
includes HCP "HCP template." (3 pages)
8, 2003 - Letter from Pam Wright to Karen Mayne. We express
strong disagreement with the FWS proposal to change status of our
HCP from a low-effect HCP to protect FWS from litigation; we request
that FWS follow their Habitat Conservation Manual; we request that
FWS respond to our requests for information about mitigation in
bald eagle HCPs that was made more than a month earlier. (7 pages)
28, 2003 - Letter from Pam Wright to Karen Mayne. We describe
ongoing problems that we have encountered in our dealings with FWS;
we submit our HCP package and application. (18 pages)
13, 2003 - Letter from Karen Mayne (FWS) to Pam & Pete Wright.
FWS denies our application again; requests more information and
more documents; express concern "that mitigation may not provide
sufficient compensation." (3 pages)
February 28, 2003. Telephone conference call.
During a two hour phone meeting with several FWS employees, we were
advised that we need to pay more money to a recipient approved by
them. (for details of this call, see March
28 2003 letter from Peter Wright to Karen Mayne)
28, 2003 - Letter from Peter Wright to Karen Mayne. We address
allegations of "sabatoge," FWS strategies of delay, increase
in required compensation, requests for more meetings and more documents.
We remind FWS that, according to the March 17 site visit by Craig
Koppie (FWS Endangered Species Biologist) and the March aerial flyover
by Dr. Bryan Watts (Center of Conservation Biology, College William
& Mary), the nest is vacant. We ask if they plan to regulate
empty nests? (18 pages)
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Pam Wright's HCP Page