Kerry: Son’s IEP states he’s to use district issued IPAD due to dysgraphia. It has an otter box as son is known to throw it when angry. One HS teacher is resistant, has been disregarding IEP for a year, and keeps taking away ipad and telling son to use chromebook, which he doesn’t know how to use. Yesterday he threw the chromebook, breaking it. School has suspended child and will bill me. I tell them they’re wrong to take away ipad, disregard IEP, and give a computer that has no safety case. They respond my son broke it, he must pay. The money isn’t the issue here ($180), it’s the principle, but will cost me more then 180 to get a lawyer.
Great answer from Chuck. I also recommend checking what the district policy is on the use of Chromebooks and other district-issued devices, and the specific language of the parent consent form for the use of the Chromebook.
If you have not contacted the special ed director, I recommend doing this. Since the campus did not follow his IEP, a complaint to the state education agency is appropriate. Your state parent training & information center can assist you also.