Wrightslaw special education law and advocacy training programs, virtual or live, are designed to meet the needs of parents, advocates, attorneys, educators, health care providers, and others who represent the interests of children with disabilities and their families.
Click here to check out the Wrightslaw training schedule!
Wrightslaw offers a variety of special education law and advocacy programs taught by nationally-recognized experts in the field of special education law and advocacy. Most trainings offer CLEs (continuing legal education) credits and CEUs (continuing education units). What are folks saying about our trainings!
Interested in hosting a Wrightslaw training? To inquire about hosting a program, please send an email direct to Pete Wright at the following email address of: petewright | at | harborhouselaw.com (Note – remove the |at| and replace with the @ character.) In the subject line of your email, please type your state and city in ALL CAPS. For example: CONF VA DELTAVILLE – initial inquiry.