Wrightslaw: All About IEPs – On Sale Now!

New Book! Wrightslaw: All About IEPs is at the printer now! Shipping second week of December                        $12.95    Order now Answers more than 200 frequently asked questions & introduces Continue Reading →

The Power of Parent Advocacy

This time of year the football chant is ringing in our heads – “We’ve got the pow-er!” This year, get some of that advocacy power! “Key changes in the special Continue Reading →

Adding Parent Input to the IEP – Here’s How!

Last week we posted about using an IEP Parent Attachment to add input to your child’s IEP. We heard immediately from Daunna who wrote: The question was “How can I Continue Reading →

Test Scores Dropping – What Can You Do?

Did you receive academic test results for your child that were much lower than you expected? In some cases parents say they received no scores for certain subjects or were Continue Reading →

Test Scores Dropping – What Can You Do?

Did you receive academic test results for your child that were much lower than you expected? In some cases parents say they received no scores for certain subjects or were Continue Reading →

The Power of Getting Organized – Do it Right!

Last week on the Community Helpline, Kim asked “Should a child’s special education file include copies of all evaluations and reports, especially those requested for annual review?” Sharon answered: “Your Continue Reading →