Pete’s Comments: Pat Howey’s Post & the Decoding Dyslexia Flap
In December 2014, advocate Pat Howey published a post on the blog entitled “Wake Up Folks! You are Being Sold a Line of Goods about Dyslexia.” Her post generated a Continue Reading →
Special Education Law and Advocacy
In December 2014, advocate Pat Howey published a post on the blog entitled “Wake Up Folks! You are Being Sold a Line of Goods about Dyslexia.” Her post generated a Continue Reading →
Ok. I am going on a rant here and I expect some kickback. Before you tell me how wrong I am, please remember that I have been advocating for almost Continue Reading →
– by guest blogger Kalman R. Hettleman, former member of the Baltimore school board, former state human resources secretary, and tireless advocate for children with disabilities. “Disabled students aren’t as Continue Reading →
“It is a sobering fact: dyslexia affects up to twenty percent of the population and it has very specific symptoms.” Kelli Sandman-Hurley, ED.D., explains that students who have dyslexia “…will Continue Reading →
“It is a sobering fact: dyslexia affects up to twenty percent of the population and it has very specific symptoms.” Kelli Sandman-Hurley, explains that students who have dyslexia “…will always Continue Reading →
– From the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity Community, Sally Shaywitz, MD and Bennett Shaywitz, MD “We are at a very special time for all those who care about Continue Reading →
My 11 year old 6th grader has always struggled with reading, phonics, spelling, and his handwriting is atrocious. He is diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder. The most recent private evaluation Continue Reading →
Don’t miss your local screening of The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia, an HBO documentary about dyslexia. The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia clears up the misconceptions about dyslexia and paints a Continue Reading →
I have a child with dyslexia – can you help me? The school doesn’t recognize dyslexia what can I do? Why can’t my child read – does she have dyslexia? Continue Reading →
Playing catch-up this summer? Use the time for summer learning and reading opportunities. Add these free resources to your reading list. From Wrightslaw: A Parent’s Guide to Response to Intervention Continue Reading →
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