Sign-On and Support the IDEA Fairness Restoration Act (HR 2740)!

In 2006, the Supreme Court decided that parents could not be reimbursed for expert witness fees in Arlington Central School District v. Murphy. The Murphy decision has made the playing Continue Reading →

Supreme Court Issues Powerful Pro-Child Decision in Eligibility Case

On Monday, June 22, 2009, the Supreme Court issued a powerful pro-child decision in Forest Grove School District v. T.A. This is a case about tuition reimbursement for a disabled Continue Reading →

Parent Involvement in Placement Decisions

My child attends school ‘out of district’ because our district had no program for a multiple needs-high needs student. He has one year left of school (age 20). Now the Continue Reading →

How Can I Know if My Child’s Teacher is Highly Qualified?

Do I have a right to know the qualifications of my child’s teachers? If the answer is “yes,” how long does the school have to provide me with this information? Continue Reading →

When Evaluation Shows a Disability, School Says Child is “Lazy”

We receive many questions about violations of IDEA. The children’s names and dates of birth change but their stories are similar. The child shows clear signs of a disability. The Continue Reading →

School Attorney at IEP Meeting – Parents Walk Out!

I am an attorney practicing Special Education. I do not attend IEP meetings. We have an advocacy service and an advocate attends IEP meetings with parents. In our district, when Continue Reading →