Do Parents Have to Excuse Members of the IEP Team?

The bottom line is no.  If you do not agree, a required member of the IEP team may not be excused. If the school asks you to consent to excuse Continue Reading →

Prior Written Notice (PWN) is a Powerful Tool When Skillfully Used

Two questions keep coming to mind as I participate in IEP meetings for my daughter and for clients of William & Mary School of Law’s PELE Clinic: 1.  How can Continue Reading →

More About Evaluations…

Can a parent request that the school use exactly the same tests when evaluating a student for his triennial IEP?  We want the same tests conducted to compare progress. No, Continue Reading →

Wrightslaw: All About IEPs – On Sale Now!

New Book! Wrightslaw: All About IEPs is at the printer now! Shipping second week of December                        $12.95    Order now Answers more than 200 frequently asked questions & introduces Continue Reading →

The Power of Parent Advocacy

This time of year the football chant is ringing in our heads – “We’ve got the pow-er!” This year, get some of that advocacy power! “Key changes in the special Continue Reading →

How Many Days After Signing the IEP Can It Be Revised?

Good question from Marissa on the Community Helpline today. I had an IEP meeting with my son’s school on Monday. I didn’t agree with it, but signed it. How many Continue Reading →

Call in Your Comment – Education News Parents Can Use

Education News Parents Can Use Broadcast Tuesday night, September 15, 8:00-9:00 p.m. ET, will feature Secretary Duncan in a special town hall meeting, subtitled “America Goes Back to School.” Call Continue Reading →

Adding Parent Input to the IEP – Here’s How!

Last week we posted about using an IEP Parent Attachment to add input to your child’s IEP. We heard immediately from Daunna who wrote: The question was “How can I Continue Reading →