What’s My Parental Role in Transition?

“I want my son to be prepared to enter the workforce when he leaves school. How can I get the IEP team to develop vocational goals for him?” Good question! Continue Reading →
Special Education Law and Advocacy
“I want my son to be prepared to enter the workforce when he leaves school. How can I get the IEP team to develop vocational goals for him?” Good question! Continue Reading →
The Guidance Counselor ignored our parental consent form and conducted tests on our daughter against our written instructions, even though she signed the form acknowledging our wishes and concerns. Our Continue Reading →
On August 8, 2019, Department of Labor (DOL) released an opinion letter on when parents can take Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) time off for IEP meetings. https://www.dol.gov/whd/opinion/FMLA/2019/2019_08_08_2A_FMLA.pdf This Guidance Continue Reading →
“I’m a special education teacher. At a recent meeting, our sped director told us that ‘parents are not a part of the IEP Team.’ The director said we must have Continue Reading →
I’m a teacher and have questions about what happened at the IEP Annual Review Meeting. No math or reading goals were presented. The school told the parents they would send Continue Reading →
My son’s special ed teacher decided to give us the same IEP from last year? Is this legal? She didn’t even make out a new one! You are not alone. Continue Reading →
I filed a state complaint for non-compliance with the IEP. My son’s teacher and aide are not familiar with autism. He sits in the corner of the room and does Continue Reading →
The school evaluated my child and I don’t agree with the results. What can I do? Will I have to pay for another evaluation? Who will do the evaluation? If Continue Reading →
How do I prepare for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting? There is a simple way to prepare for IEP Team Meetings. I call it the “Three Ps of Preparation.” Continue Reading →
I went to the school to ask if my son will be promoted to the 6th grade. They say I must wait till the last day of school to know. Continue Reading →
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