Wrightslaw: All About IEPs – On Sale Now!

New Book! Wrightslaw: All About IEPs is at the printer now! Shipping second week of December                        $12.95    Order now Answers more than 200 frequently asked questions & introduces Continue Reading →

Remedies for Kids Too Costly – BUT, a Never-ending Pot for Attorneys Fees!

In 2007, a judge ordered sanctions against MPS and remedies for kids. MPS says what the judge ordered in June 2009 will be too costly. However, “they have a never-ending Continue Reading →

Speak Up Today! Town Hall Meeting on Education Reform

Act today to share your concerns about: Closing the disability achievement gap Ensuring a meaningful education that enables every child to succeed Meaningful parent participation in IEP meetings and as Continue Reading →

Adding Parent Input to the IEP – Here’s How!

Last week we posted about using an IEP Parent Attachment to add input to your child’s IEP. We heard immediately from Daunna who wrote: The question was “How can I Continue Reading →

IEP FAQs: Do Nursing Services Belong in the IEP?

If a child is wheelchair-bound and needs a catheter, is this something that belongs in the IEP? Exactly whose responsibility is it to handle catheters for wheelchair-bound students? I would Continue Reading →