Is a Child with ADD/ADHD Entitled to Special Ed Services Under IDEA? A 504 Plan Under Section 504?

For parents, teachers, related services providers, and school administrators who have questions about whether children with ADD/ADHD qualify for special education services under IDEA, please read the Joint Policy Memorandum Continue Reading →

Teachers Trump Psychologist? Who Decides Eligibility?

When you have a disagreement between the teachers and the school psychologist about whether a child qualifies for services, you must consider the real question that needs to be answered. Continue Reading →

School Evaluations: Should schools provide parents with a copy before an IEP meeting?

Update: OSEP Letter to Anonymous, September 9, 2019. Question: Is it best practice to withhold an educational report from the student, parent, guardian, a special education teacher,or another IEP Team Continue Reading →

When a School Refuses to Protect a Child with Life-threatening Allergies …

The child’s doctor wrote, “… the Student is extremely allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. These allergies can cause anaphylaxis, which is a life threatening condition. Symptoms from anaphylaxis include Continue Reading →