Don’t Miss This Kick-Off! Earlybird Registration Extended!

For all of you who were in DC or glued to your TVs yesterday and forgot to register for the Williamsburg conference, the answer to your question is Yes. You Continue Reading →

Walk in the School’s Shoes: Help them WANT to Help Your Child

As a parent, your ultimate goal is to educate school personnel so they want to help your child. The most important ability to use in resolving problems with the school Continue Reading →

WOW! Never Thought my Letter Would Show up in the Special Ed Advocate

I just reviewed your Summer School for Parents: Lesson #4. I am the mom who wrote about the need for a particular type of placement for my son with autism. Continue Reading →

A Parent’s Nasty Email: Cry for Help or Reality Check?

I received the strangest email the other day, and I don’t know why. The email was a very curt response from a parent (I’ll call her Thelma) to a teacher. Continue Reading →