The results of the 2013 Nation’s Report Card, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), show that fourth- and eighth-graders made incremental progress in math and reading.
The scores show one- and two-point gains (on a score of 0-500) compared with the 2011 tests. Average reading scores for eighth-graders just barely rose, after stagnating for about a decade.
In spite of the poor national results, parents often think their local school is doing a good job. If all local schools are doing a great job, why such poor results on the nation’s report card?
We wondered how you felt your school was doing.
Is your school doing a good job of educating ALL kids, including those kids who aren’t easy to educate? If you had to give them a grade, what would it be?

If you have more specific information to add about your how your school is doing, use the comment section below.
Do you know how your school compares to schools in other states?
How is Your State Performing?
Click on the map to find out how your state is performing.
Compare your state to other states. What states are making gains? Which states are closing the achievement gaps.
Why So Little Progress?
What the NAEP test scores don’t tell us is why so little progress is being made teaching children to read and do math.
US Students Show Incremental Progress on National Test
Education Secretary Arne Duncan calls this “modest” progress.
“The tests also show little progress has been made in narrowing the achievement gap between white students and their black and Latino counterparts…”
International Comparison
Internationally, U.S. students lag around average on science, math and reading tests.
On the International PISA test, the United States was surpassed by 27 in math and 14 in reading . That’s unacceptable.
Read more.
Arne Duncan: Telling the truth on achievement gaps improves education.
In Eastern TN, a wealthy philanthropist who for years has infiltrated our government sectors by generous donations, and who serves as a board member of the state Governors Association, who wrote a grant to the federal government requesting grant money from “Race to the Top Money is in control. His nonprofit organization distributes grant money to area school systems. In East TN, Directors of school systems (serving on the advisory panel of the non profit) are “actively and discretely” implementing changes to school board policies that discourage parental input from their children’s education. Requiring parents to schedule appointments before going to their child’s school, etc. Parents of disabled students are told there will be no special ed next year for children.