Update: 107,000 Students Subjected to Restraint/Seclusion. Contact Congress to Pass National Bill

New statistics show that in 2011-12, at least 70,000 students were subjected to physical restraint, and 37,000, to isolated seclusion. The statistics were released this Spring as part of the Continue Reading →

Do You Know Who is Providing Your Child’s Speech-Language Therapy? Part 2

One of the most controversial posts we’ve published on the Wrightslaw Way Blog was “Do You Know Who is Providing Your Child’s Speech-Language Therapy?” (Blog Discussion Part 1) https://www.wrightslaw.com/blog/do-you-know-who-is-providing-your-childs-speech-language-therapy/ If Continue Reading →

Space Available! – Wrightslaw Training Coming to Little Rock, AR

The Arkansas Down Syndrome Association welcomes Pete Wright, Esq., to Little Rock. The April 26, 2014 Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training will be held at the Stephens Spine Continue Reading →

Limited Space Available! Register Today! First Time in the State of Wisconsin!

This April 10, 2014 Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Conference, a Wrightslaw training program featuring Pete Wright, Esq., is being sponsored and organized by ParSEC Wisconsin, LLC. Co-sponsors Continue Reading →

Testing Accommodations for ACT and SAT

My daughter’s evaluation results said,  she “may experience difficulty in retrieving phonological information from long-term or permanent memory, as well as difficulty executing a sequence of operations quickly and repeatedly.” Continue Reading →