Progress Graphs of Test Data – A Essential Skill that Parents Need to Master

All important decisions about your child’s education – eligibility, special education, and related services in your child’s IEP, educational progress, compensatory education (or “recovery services”) – are based on test Continue Reading →

Can Parents Demand a Member of the IEP Team be Excluded?

The Guidance Counselor ignored our parental consent form and conducted tests on our daughter against our written instructions, even though she signed the form acknowledging our wishes and concerns. Our Continue Reading →

8 Frequently Asked Questions about Compensatory Education


As schools reopen, expect the IEP team to schedule a meeting or meetings to discuss your child’s eligibility for compensatory education. As your child’s advocate, you need to learn all you can about compensatory education now. Your child has no more time to waste. Continue Reading →

Identifying and Meeting a Child’s Language Needs

young boy with glasses in library

“We adopted our son from another country three years ago. He is now nine years old, in the 3rd grade. He did not speak English when he arrived in this Continue Reading →

Train at Home with Wrightslaw! Earn CEU’s!


Learn in the comfort of your home with the Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training. All you need is a computer or device and speakers! Now Available as an Continue Reading →