Our Neuro-psych Never Told Me He Would NOT Be the Evaluator!


I paid for a private neuropsychological evaluation. The doctor ‘never told me’ that he would not be the one testing.

I was surprised when a school psychologist who works with the neuropsych gave the tests. Is this what’s supposed to happen?

If your child needs a neuropsychological evaluation, the evaluation should be conducted by a licensed psychologist or licensed neuropsychologist who has a doctoral degree in psychology and training and expertise in neuropsychology.

It isn’t unusual for a psychometrist, usually a person with a master’s degree in psychology, to do the testing under the “supervision” of the psychologist who holds the PH.D. or E.D.

This should be made clear to the patient and/or parent before the evaluation.  This does not always happen.

A Common Practice

It is a very common practice to have a “tech” administer the evaluations.

The psychologist interprets the results.

This means that the psychologist does not observe the child’s behavior, comments, etc. when the testing is being administered to the child.

Ask These Questions

Before you choose an independent testing agency, you should ask the following questions:

1. Who administers and interprets the testing measures?

2. Will someone attend the IEP meeting to support their results?

If so, is the cost of that included in the testing, or is there a separate charge?

3. Will the person who administers and interprets the testing be willing to testify at a subsequent hearing or court case regarding their test results.

If so, is the cost of that included in the testing, or is there a separate charge?

You would be amazed at the answer you get.

You would also be amazed at the number of professionals who are perfectly willing to administer and interpret the testing …

but answer an unqualified “No” to attending the IEP meeting or testifying at a hearing or in court.

Read more about education, training, and credentials for evaluators in Is it Time to Have Your Child Evaluated?


Learn what to expect, how to prepare, and how to find a good evaluator.

Get answers to over 200 frequently asked questions about assessments, evaluations, and tests in Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments.

  1. Is the school responsible to pay foe Neuropsych if our private insurance will not cover it? I requested this twice i. Writing.

    • Unless you went through the IEE process or the school requested the outside evaluation, then the school is not responsible for payment.

        • A parent’s right to request that a school pay for an independent educational evaluation (IEE) of the child. You can find more info on this in the index on this homepage.

  2. Just remember that in some states, such as NY, “school psychologist” may not be employed in a private practice nor practice independently (I. E. outside of the school setting).

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