Michelle: OSERS issued a policy guidance document (shown on website – dtd 11-16-2015) indicating that IEP goals must align with the state’s grade level curriculum/content standards. However, IEP goals must be individualized for the student. This seems very conflicting, especially for those students who have fallen significantly behind the grade level curriculum. So how should a parent tailor an IEP for students who functionally, are unable to meet the grade level curriculum? I.e. those reading well below grade level content, those students who lack basic skills necessary to meet curriculum standards?
The student should still be taught the basic curriculum, but this may or may not be at their grade level. They can & should still be taught the basic skills. There are research based programs that can help many students get closer to grade level. The IRIS center has information & training on some of these programs. Parents can push for high expectations for their child, & learn about programs, & schools that are doing this.