Need a Voice in the IEP Process?


When your child with a disability receives special education services, you need to know:

  • how to develop your child’s IEP in plain language
  • your rights and responsibilities under IDEA
  • the law, regulation, publication from the U.S. Dept of Ed that supports your position or request – so you can bring it to the IEP meeting

If you need a description of legal issues and/or problems you may encounter during the IEP process, you’ll find it in Wrightslaw: All About IEPs.


 Wrightslaw: All About IEPs has given me my voice. I didn’t have one before. Parents have to be armed with the accurate information and encouragement. That is what you give to us. It is empowerment in it’s purest form. I am excited about this book. It is clear and easy to understand. The endnotes are a great idea. They give readers a place to go for more information.

Get answers to your questions about –

  1. IEP Teams and IEP Meetings
  2. Parent Participation & Consent
  3. Present Levels, Measurable IEP Goals, Special Education Services
  4. Related Services, Supplementary Aids & Services
  5. Progress, Accommodations, Modifications, and Alternate Assessments
  6. Special Factors in IEPs and Assistive Technology (A.T.)
  7. Placement, Transition, and Extended School Year Services (ESY)
  8. Reviewing and Revising the IEP
  9. Transferring Schools and Education Records
  10. Resolving Parent-School Disputes

Legal Resources for Wrightslaw: All About IEPs.

Complete Table of Contents (in pdf)

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  1. My 15 year old is at a 3 and 4th grade level in everything. She has an IEP. I really still do not understand, but I think something is not right with this IEP. She has a learning disability. I feel her home school did not know what they where doing and they acted like they just wanted to get rid of her and they could not accommodate her as far as the classes she needed. So I changed her school to a school that could. Now after going through all this for 2 years with home school, she is an F student and they still promoted her. Now I can not get her to go to school. Every time I mention school she has these fits and gets very angry and she started running away. I need help, where can I find it?

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