I am an Intervention teacher in a catholic school. As a catholic school, we are not obligated to do a 504 plan. Where can I get templates to write our own version of a 504 for ADHD and other learning disabilities.
The American Diabetes Association has prepared excellent model 504 plans and health plans.
This format can be modified to cover other issues that arise at school for a student with xxx (fill in the learning disability or area of concern).
Be sure the plan includes a broad range of services and modifications that are often needed by the student.
The “model” plan is:
- detailed
- specifies how school staff must be trained – to both recognize and treat / address
Model 504 Plan
You will find a Model 504 Plan here.
Other Written Care Plans
Read the information on Written Care Plans.
Not all the information will apply, but these plans will provide a good template.
Section 504 on Wrightslaw
You’ll find additional information on Wrightslaw on these pages.
Please consider reading the information provided on the link below, for parochial schools are obligated.
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) as Applied to Private and Parochial Schools.
As the parent of a child with ADHD, I found the sample diabetes 504 plan tantalizing but frustrating. Tantalizing because that sample plan is mouth-watering in its comprehensiveness and level of detail, and frustrating in its irrelevance to my child’s needs, and its verbosity. (My district does a hatchet job on all proposed accommodations that run to more than a dozen words.)
I will share a trick that I learned for finding a good variety of sample 504 plans and IEPs on the web. Instead of doing a plain google search for “sample 504 plan ADHD”, try doing your search in Google Images or Pinterest!
Here’s one to get you started: http://www.additudemag.com/resources/free-downloads/10217.html