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Yedi:  We homeschool and our daughter may attend public high school in the fall on an IEP. If we find that it is not working out for her are we legally able to withdraw her from school and continue to homeschool?

  1. I withdrew my son from his homeschool in IL. Prior to withdrawing him I filed for due process because they were refusing to accommodate his needs in extracurricular activities. We were just starting the due process. Their lawyer is trying to get my complaint revoked because he is no longer enrolled. I have researched online and it just states that you have to file within two years. Is there any specific case law that I can refer to regarding this. I have to have a response to their brief next week.

  2. My child had an active signed IEP in place when I withdrew her to homeschool. Is the school district required to make contact with me to determine acceptance of continued services?

  3. My son has an IEP and is having a set back in 7th grade and I will be homeschooling for the remainder of the year. Will I lose my IEP once I inform them of withdraw or will it stay in place for the following year? They did call for an ammendment IEP meeting as well but I have not confirmed with them about homeschool just yet

    • The IEP should be reviewed, and possibly revised or rewritten when he returns. It is unlikely that he would no longer be eligible for special ed services.

  4. SD filed for due process hearing due to placement disagreement. They wanted our son to transition from NPS to public school. Weighing the pros and cons, we are leaning towards homeschooling our son. Do we still have to go through the process of mediation and/or due process of hearing if we withdraw our son before the dates.

  5. Yes, you can. Even when you homeschool the IEP is in force as you are still considered a member of the school district. I highly recommend becoming a member of Homeschool Legal Defense Association. (HSLDA) It’s a bit of a safety net. They were very helpful and timely in supporting the IEP for one of my homeschooled kids. They also support in transitions to/from public school.

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