Stephanie: My 15 year old son has ADD, depression, anxiety, and is suffering from a form of inflammatory bowel disease and has no control over his bowel functions. As a result, he has missed many days of school. We requested a 504 in October and then an IEP in December and they are in the process of evaluating him for both.
In the mean time, the school has suggested we pursue partial homebound school, which our district provides. We are half way through the school year and the district (we are in Virginia) claims that if he switches to homebound he will have to drop his AP course and switch his honor courses to academic courses. Is it legal for them to make him switch? Not only would he be receiving a less stimulating education, but his GPA would be impacted because the honors course he’s been carrying have extra weight that increases his GPA.
I believe this is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, & 504. Your state education agency’s sp ed dept. may be able to answer this. Also your state parent training & information project.