Louise: My son was just diagnosed with dyslexia. He is in 4th grade. The school is using a program called Corrective Reading which is based on Direct Instruction curriculum. The teacher has no formal training in dyslexia and has never worked with students who are dyslexic. The teacher is not using a multisensory approach which was admitted in the ARD meeting. He has made progress and that is why they feel this program will work. My concern is that this program does not meet guidelines from TX dyslexia handbook components of dyslexia instruction. Should I be concerned??
IEP goals should be measurable. How do you know that he is “making progress”?
Have you gotten an independent evaluation? This would give you a specific starting point of reference. IEP goals should be S.M.A.R.T. goals. Learning differences leave gaps that need to be closed. I think of it like a GPS that does not display a starting point, an ending point or an ETA. Imagine if your GPS reported back to you you every thirty minutes saying that you are making progress.
I have been down this road before. First, I would suggest you go and do some searches on Wrightslaw about corrective reading, dyslexia, etc. What type of progress is he making? My son was making progress until I realized he was being pushed from grade to grade. I hired an advocate, school paid for an IEE, AT, etc. Long road, long story and now my son is successful student in high school. From a parent’s perceptive, yes, work with the school but don’t wait for the school (stressed special ed teachers, savvy administrators and competing school priorities) to educate your son. In the process, make sure your son is pursuing interests outside of school to gain confidence such as clubs, sports, hobbies.
TX rules require that a multisensory approach be used. Even if the child is making progress, I believe this is a violation. If you are not familiar with the TX Dyslexia Handbook, you should find it on line at ESC 10, http://www.region10.org/dyslexia/index/ Staff at the TX parent information & training project, Partners Resource Network can assist you. http://www.PartnersTx.org