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Tricsh: My son is entitled to a large amount of speech compensatory services, and the school district is saying they are to be provided during his school day. However this takes away from his regular school day schedule, how can it be compensatory if it is taking away from a regular school day?

  1. I just received notification of an ARD meeting for a student I never had on my caseload.

    It seems somehow she was skipped or missed. I depend on our diagnostician and SPED admin department to receive notification of which students are in SPED and have an IEP.

    I have no email notification from anyone regarding this student. She has not been serviced since Aug 2021.

    Now our diagnostician says we will owe her compensatory time.

    Who will need to provide this and what is the time line to do so? How is this calculated?

    • C. TEA leaves initial determinations of whether a student should have compensatory services, and the amount up to each district. (They have said it does not have to be made up on a minute-by-minute basis.) Of course, parents can appeal decisions thru a state due process hearing. Districts may or may not have procedures for determining amounts, & who will provide them. Teachers can work with their principals to develop a plan that meets the district’s obligation to students, but is not unreasonably burdensome on teachers, & other staff.

  2. Is a parent entitled to compensatory education if the school provided the appropriate services and minutes but the child did not participate due to behavior?

  3. I filed a complaint against our local LEA. The district was cited and my daughter was awarded 160 hours of compensatory time. We are military and will be soon leaving the state. The state PED has told us that the compensatory time goes away if we move out of state? Is this true? Isn’t the district required by law to give the comp time no matter where we are?

    • Yes, because compensatory services are based on a denial of FAPE. IO have received Compensatory services provision for a student across state lines, when they moved from one state to another.

      • Did the other school districts have to provide the comp services or the one that initially did not provide fape.
        How did that work?

  4. I imagine that most states leave the decision up to the school district, unless the state education agency or a hearing officer give specific directions to the district. You can try to get the district to address your concerns through the special ed office, complaint to the state agency or mediation. Your state parent training & information center may be able to assist you.

    • This school district has done nothing but tell me how wrong I am for 3 years. Each and every time there is an issue. This is why I filed a complaint against them. They also separated my daughters disabilities and she has an IEP and a 504 at the same time. It’s absolutely ludicrous how they treat me. I have found a letter that part c of idea will cross state lines for comp time so shouldn’t the other ones too?

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