High Expectations: Raising the Bar for Children with Disabilities?

At the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children last week, Education Secretary Arne Duncan called on special educators to take responsibility for the success of their students. Duncan Continue Reading →

Alternative Placement for “Assignment Refusal” – a Helpful Strategy?

What does the law state regarding a student who is in mainstream classes yet refuses to do any assignments? He just doesn’t care. The staff has made extra effort to Continue Reading →

“We’ve Seen It All” – Lessons from the Trenches

When it comes to special education, Becky McGee and her 19-year-old son, Kyle, feel as if they’ve seen it all. Ms. McGee hopes her hard-won lessons might benefit other parents. Continue Reading →

Prior Written Notice (PWN) is a Powerful Tool When Skillfully Used

Two questions keep coming to mind as I participate in IEP meetings for my daughter and for clients of William & Mary School of Law’s PELE Clinic: 1.  How can Continue Reading →

Using an “Educational Model” – a Way to Deny Services?

What is the difference between a medical model and an educational model? I was asked a question recently that intrigued me, so I did a little research. When school personnel Continue Reading →

Today: National Call-In Day! Prevent Harmful Use of Restraint & Seclusion in Schools

Today is the day! Thursday, January 21st, tell your members of Congress to support the Preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools Act (H.R. 4247/S.2860) introduced last month by Representatives Continue Reading →