What Diploma Path is Your Child On? Will Retention Push Him Off that Path?

My 9 year old son, a child with autism, is in a 3rd grade inclusion class on a Basic Ed diploma path. He is required to take the FCAT to Continue Reading →

Getting Help for a Child with a Behavior Disorder

My son is in the 10th grade. He has a behavior disorder and he can’t control himself at times. The school does not understand when he gets agitated and angry. Continue Reading →

Don’t Miss This Kick-Off! Earlybird Registration Extended!

For all of you who were in DC or glued to your TVs yesterday and forgot to register for the Williamsburg conference, the answer to your question is Yes. You Continue Reading →

Transitional Programs on College Campuses or in the Community

My daughter, 19, has Down syndrome. The district wants to keep her in high school. I do not feel it is appropriate. I have signed her up at a community Continue Reading →

Teachers Trump Psychologist? Who Decides Eligibility?

When you have a disagreement between the teachers and the school psychologist about whether a child qualifies for services, you must consider the real question that needs to be answered. Continue Reading →