Does Medication Make a Child Ineligible for an IEP?

My son is in the 6th grade. He has sensory processing disorders, executive functioning problems, and severe anxiety. He had an IEP for emotional problems. When he takes medication, his Continue Reading →

Eligibility for Special Ed: Grades, IQ Scores, Evaluations

I read a document on your website that said a student does not have to be functioning below grade level to qualify for special education services. I can’t find that Continue Reading →

Parent-Teacher Conference Across 8 Time Zones

Desperately wanting to be part of your child’s educational experience but finding it difficult to coordinate your schedule and attend meetings? If you think you have trouble, try taking part Continue Reading →

Do Parents Have to Excuse Members of the IEP Team?

The bottom line is no.  If you do not agree, a required member of the IEP team may not be excused. If the school asks you to consent to excuse Continue Reading →