Bullying, Discipline, & Confidentiality: Who’s the Victim?

A special education teacher asked a question about a student’s right to confidentiality after being disciplined by the school. It is a good example of how changing the facts in Continue Reading →

Reverse Due Process: When the School Sues the Parent

If a parent won’t sign an IEP, does the school system have the right and ability to sue the parent on behalf of the student? In the eyes of the Continue Reading →

No Offense: But Isn’t It Alarming That So Many Children Are Not Learning to Read?

It appears I’ve offended some teachers by the post and comments on “Fifth grader is reading at 2.7 grade level. Should he be tested for Special Ed?” Before describing the Continue Reading →

Can Parents Observe Children’s Classrooms & Placements?

Do I have a right to observe the class before agreeing (or not agreeing) to a placement for my child? The special ed director said I cannot observe the class Continue Reading →

School Attorney at IEP Meeting – Parents Walk Out!

I am an attorney practicing Special Education. I do not attend IEP meetings. We have an advocacy service and an advocate attends IEP meetings with parents. In our district, when Continue Reading →