School Has “No Retention” Policy, but Teacher Insists We Retain

My son struggles to learn in school. In the past, he was behind but the school “moved him on.” His teacher says she sees success this year and believes my Continue Reading →
Special Education Law and Advocacy
My son struggles to learn in school. In the past, he was behind but the school “moved him on.” His teacher says she sees success this year and believes my Continue Reading →
What is “best practice” for retaining a student in 10th grade who has refused to attend school and whose eligibility is Emotionally Disturbed. He refuses medication sometimes, refuses to do Continue Reading →
My 11-year-old son, grade 5, is behind a little socially. He has no real friends who seek him out or invite him over. He says he wants to be in Continue Reading →
My 8th grader is deaf, has dyslexia and a language delay. Her current center-based deaf ed program has a teacher of the deaf and peers who all communicate directly with Continue Reading →
The school wanted to retain my son who has an IEP for OT, PT and Speech. They insisted he repeat second grade. I disagreed. Now in third grade, his teachers Continue Reading →
US DOE Office for Civil Rights has released the new civil rights-education data collected nationwide. A few of the shocking findings: Teachers in elementary schools serving the most Hispanic and Continue Reading →
Social promotion never works for anyone. But is retention always harmful? If the school is going to give the child extra services which were never given before, wouldn’t retention be Continue Reading →
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