“We’ve Seen It All” – Lessons from the Trenches

When it comes to special education, Becky McGee and her 19-year-old son, Kyle, feel as if they’ve seen it all. Ms. McGee hopes her hard-won lessons might benefit other parents. Continue Reading →

Test Scores Dropping – What Can You Do?

Did you receive academic test results for your child that were much lower than you expected? In some cases parents say they received no scores for certain subjects or were Continue Reading →

Test Scores Dropping – What Can You Do?

Did you receive academic test results for your child that were much lower than you expected? In some cases parents say they received no scores for certain subjects or were Continue Reading →

Judge Sotomayor Knows About Learning Disabilities – “She Got It!”

As we watched the confirmation hearings on Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, Pete said: “In the Bartlett case, Judge Sotomayor wrote the best description of  learning disabilities Continue Reading →

The Best Kept Secret in Special Education

Most college special education masters programs do not include comprehensive instruction in reading for dyslexics. Yet, dyslexics or children with reading disorders make up 70-80% of the special education students. Continue Reading →

Individualized Instruction is Not One-Size-Fits All

As a teacher, how can I advocate for a third grade student who receives resource support services, but failed to make any progress in reading or math this year? Her Continue Reading →

No Offense: But Isn’t It Alarming That So Many Children Are Not Learning to Read?

It appears I’ve offended some teachers by the post and comments on “Fifth grader is reading at 2.7 grade level. Should he be tested for Special Ed?” Before describing the Continue Reading →