WOW! Never Thought my Letter Would Show up in the Special Ed Advocate

I just reviewed your Summer School for Parents: Lesson #4. I am the mom who wrote about the need for a particular type of placement for my son with autism. Continue Reading →

School Attorney at IEP Meeting – Parents Walk Out!

I am an attorney practicing Special Education. I do not attend IEP meetings. We have an advocacy service and an advocate attends IEP meetings with parents. In our district, when Continue Reading →

Homebound Services: Two Hours a Week = FAPE?

Recently, someone asked a question about homebound services, whether the law limits the time for direct instruction. Here’s the question… My daughter is on home bound services and the special Continue Reading →

When Schools Punish Sick Children Who Miss School: A Game Plan

From Wrightslaw: After nearly 400 comments, we must close this page to new comments – the blog program cannot accept more text. Since this topic continues to generate questions, I Continue Reading →