We’re Moving! – When Should I Tell the School?

Last year the school really dropped the ball on my child’s IEP. His ‘first year’ teacher left out all the accommodations and modifications. He had his worst year on record. Continue Reading →

First “Wrightslaw All About IEPs” Program in Tampa (Jan 15, 2010)

Wrightslaw All About IEPs is a new program (one day, five hours) by Pete Wright that focuses on the legal requirements for IEPs and how to develop SMART IEPs. This Continue Reading →

Can School Attorneys Legally Attend IEP Team Meetings?

Pete and Pam Wright were adjunct professors at William & Mary Law School where they co-taught a Special Education Law class and consulted with the PELE  Special Education Advocacy Clinic. Continue Reading →

Wrightslaw: All About IEPs – On Sale Now!

New Book! Wrightslaw: All About IEPs is at the printer now! Shipping second week of December                        $12.95    Order now Answers more than 200 frequently asked questions & introduces Continue Reading →

Remedies for Kids Too Costly – BUT, a Never-ending Pot for Attorneys Fees!

In 2007, a judge ordered sanctions against MPS and remedies for kids. MPS says what the judge ordered in June 2009 will be too costly. However, “they have a never-ending Continue Reading →

The Power of Parent Advocacy

This time of year the football chant is ringing in our heads – “We’ve got the pow-er!” This year, get some of that advocacy power! “Key changes in the special Continue Reading →

How Many Days After Signing the IEP Can It Be Revised?

Good question from Marissa on the Community Helpline today. I had an IEP meeting with my son’s school on Monday. I didn’t agree with it, but signed it. How many Continue Reading →