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ALL Wrightslaw Products are 25% OFF. Books, PDFs, E-Pubs, Kindles, Training Downloads and Advocacy Supplies. Order and Save 25% Today! Use Coupon Code 11302022 when ordering. Be sure to Apply Continue Reading →
Special Education Law and Advocacy
ALL Wrightslaw Products are 25% OFF. Books, PDFs, E-Pubs, Kindles, Training Downloads and Advocacy Supplies. Order and Save 25% Today! Use Coupon Code 11302022 when ordering. Be sure to Apply Continue Reading →
In special education law cases and decisions, what is the difference between a SRO and IHO? SRO is a State Review Officer. IHO is an Independent Hearing Officer. Due Process Continue Reading →
We requested that our son be put in an inclusion classroom at his home school. The school denied our request. We don’t have an attorney. What can we do? Should Continue Reading →
Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board is a 2 hour film based on the true story of a young child with autism. This DVD takes you through a Continue Reading →
The district’s lawyer said that since my husband was a lawyer and I had an advocate, the district deserved to be represented at a resolution meeting. I thought lawyers could Continue Reading →
Thursday, July 26, 2012 Wrightslaw is live blogging all week. We hope you will join us for Day 4 from the Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA). Day 1 Day Continue Reading →
Last week, the IDEA Fairness Restoration Act was introduced in Congress to allow parents to recover expert witness fees when they prevail in due process hearings and court actions under Continue Reading →
ISO Stories about Parents Who Could Not Afford Expert Witnesses for Due Process Without experts, parents and students with disabilities have little chance of success in due process hearings, and Continue Reading →
Success Story: How We Got an Appropriate Education and Avoided Due Process I wanted to let you know about the difference you are making in the lives of children with Continue Reading →
Even with great preparation and the advice of an attorney, due process hearings are very time consuming and stressful. This is especially true for parents. Before proceeding to due process, Continue Reading →
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