Using an “Educational Model” – a Way to Deny Services?

What is the difference between a medical model and an educational model? I was asked a question recently that intrigued me, so I did a little research. When school personnel Continue Reading →

More About Evaluations…

Can a parent request that the school use exactly the same tests when evaluating a student for his triennial IEP?  We want the same tests conducted to compare progress. No, Continue Reading →

“What is the Law about Evaluations?” – a psychologist asks

I am a high school psychologist. What is the law for students who have already been tested 2 times. Colleges and our state Voc/Ed  Services tell me I need to Continue Reading →

Test Scores Dropping – What Can You Do?

Did you receive academic test results for your child that were much lower than you expected? In some cases parents say they received no scores for certain subjects or were Continue Reading →

Is Child with Passing Grades Eligible for Special Ed Under IDEA?

My child has struggled in school for years. He hasn’t failed because we provide private tutoring and work with him at home. We asked the school for special ed services. Continue Reading →

Our Law Student’s Success Story

In January, Pete and I became adjunct professors at the William & Mary Law School. We teach a Special Education Law and Advocacy class and assist the Law School with Continue Reading →