School Evaluations: Should schools provide parents with a copy before an IEP meeting?

Update: OSEP Letter to Anonymous, September 9, 2019. Question: Is it best practice to withhold an educational report from the student, parent, guardian, a special education teacher,or another IEP Team Continue Reading →

When Schools Punish Sick Children Who Miss School: A Game Plan

From Wrightslaw: After nearly 400 comments, we must close this page to new comments – the blog program cannot accept more text. Since this topic continues to generate questions, I Continue Reading →

Help! My son with LD graduates. Who will write his 504 when he loses his IEP?

Gina-Marie writes – Help! My son with LD and an IEP is graduating from high school and I understand he will lose his IEP. Will he have a 504 now Continue Reading →