Teachers Trump Psychologist? Who Decides Eligibility?

When you have a disagreement between the teachers and the school psychologist about whether a child qualifies for services, you must consider the real question that needs to be answered. Continue Reading →

Walk in the School’s Shoes: Help them WANT to Help Your Child

As a parent, your ultimate goal is to educate school personnel so they want to help your child. The most important ability to use in resolving problems with the school Continue Reading →

Can Parents Observe Children’s Classrooms & Placements?

Do I have a right to observe the class before agreeing (or not agreeing) to a placement for my child? The special ed director said I cannot observe the class Continue Reading →

Handcuffs? Bruises? Disability Rights Files Suit Against Wake County Schools

On Thursday, September 18, Pete and Pam presented a special education law and advocacy training program in Chapel Hill, NC. After checking in, we picked up an email from an Continue Reading →

Should Kids Use Recorders or Cameras to Monitor Their Teachers?

A few days ago, a parent asked how she could prove that her child was receiving instruction from the aide, not the teacher. Another parent suggested that she put a Continue Reading →