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El:  Does the school have the right to deny a child’s parent the right to be their child’s personal aide?

The district wants to place my autistic kid who needs assistance with diapering and eating in a 6:1:4 life skills classroom on the grounds that it’s the only setting where aides are trained to provide such an assistance. I want a different placement so that he can learn academic skills and agreed to be a personal aide to my child during the school day. The school where I wanted my child to be mainstreamed is against under the pretense that it would be unfair to general ed students in that classroom whose parents are not there. Does the school have the right to say that?

  1. My child has recently been diagnosed with ADHD, possible ODD, and high functioning autism. He has behavioral outbursts and trouble complying with school staff requests. He is not violent and nothing is wrong with his intellectual ability to learn information. I want him to have a 1:1 aide in his classroom added into his IEP. They have sent him to a school with severely behaviorally challenged children that are exposing him to events that he is not accustomed to seeing or hearing from other students. I want him mainstreamed back to his home area school but was wondering if anyone knows if a parent can be their child’s aide in the classroom?

  2. I am a school nurse who has a special needs child. We have not been able to keep any consistency with aide for years. My son is autistic and has brain injury. With having no consistency he is having increase in behavior issues. I’m willing to be my sons aide so he has consistency. In addition my son is on a wheelchair and I am willing to provide transportation

    • Just wondering were you able to become his aide? If so were you paid for it or was it a voluntary deal. My son has downsyndrome for the last 4 years he has bin agressive this year he changed to a whole ne school new aides new kids (went fro elementary to high school) there is not one familiar face plus his class is now a special need class compared to a regular grade class he struggles with transitions and change. We are 6 days in and today they called me to assist calming him down as he was hitting spitting kicking swearing and throwing things .

      He has a 1 on 1 and has a little room that’s all his to calm down when classroom is to much 2 days last week he was also lashing out not as bad as today but still in previous years he gets really agressive the first month or two of school especially when changing schools and then calms down later on when a rioting is well in place. When I picked him up the principal told me the rest of the week will be half days I’ll have to pick him up at 1 instead of 3 and it will be reasses at the end of the week because he has aides refusing to work with him.

      I work nights 3 days a week and sleep while he is in school I also have a part time job I do when I’m not working my main job while he is in school this early pick up makes it almost impossible for me to work I work with elders and can not be functional on 3 hrs of sleep the shifts are 12 hrs long and it’s important to be functional at it. I also can’t work at my part time job even 3 hrs a day with out being late for work or picking up my son :/ .

      So my thought is if it’s not a short time they do these short days like they say maybe see if I can be his ea but I’d have to be paid for it cuz I can’t live off no income I also don’t no in my area if it’s aloud but I no when I was him high school a special needs boy had his mom be his ea. if I am aloud I’d be taking a huge hit to my income and benefits but it’s still better then not working.

      In past years iv had schools tell me they may not be able to support my sons educational needs and to find something different however in my town there isn’t other supports or schools todo so (they were hinting to homeschooling but. I can’t homeschool and work because no childcare worker will watch him either) so I fought for my son to have some form of education and they weren’t able to cut off like they had hoped but this time instead of incurring it they are limiting it making it see impossible for me to work anyways

  3. Can a parent have direct contact with the paraprofessional with my child, is there a law or policy. We’re Huntsville, AL.

  4. I had to read your question and comments several times. I understand what you are saying from a personal level as I have a child in special ed. As a former para, it is unrealistic and unprofessional for any parents to want to take the role of a para for their child. Many children with a wide range and scope of needs have gone through the educational system with well trained paras. Parents can play different roles in the schools. You can make a bigger impact in many other ways. With that being said, you do have a right to know if the aides are highly qualified. Your child can and should be mainstreamed in the LRE with a well trained aide. I agree that your child should not be restricted to a contained classroom only because of his/her needs.

    • I’m wondering your take when the 1on ones they have assigned to your kids start refusing to work when the child is agressive does the view of the parent being the aide change? That’s what I’m currently dealing with I’d rather not be the aide for him I feel others could teach him better and give him better independence however my son can be agressive and his aides have started to refuse work because of it

  5. who is going to take care of this better than a parent? It takes the stress of nursing off the teacher. Its not the job of an educator to do nursing. They have enough legalities to deal with. It is not fair not to be able to do this for your own child. I think, though, you should be willing to help the other children in the classroom, if needed.

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