Supreme Court Holds Strip Search Violates Student’s Privacy Rights

Question before the Court in Safford United School District #1 v. Redding at Whether the Fourth Amendment prohibits public school officials from conducting a search of a student suspected Continue Reading →

Supreme Court Issues Powerful Pro-Child Decision in Eligibility Case

On Monday, June 22, 2009, the Supreme Court issued a powerful pro-child decision in Forest Grove School District v. T.A. This is a case about tuition reimbursement for a disabled Continue Reading →

4 Year Old With Behavior Problems: Eligible for Special Education Services?

I am a counselor with the local mental health agency. I’m working with a 4 year old boy who has been “kicked out of” two preschool programs for behavior problems. Continue Reading →

Is Child with Passing Grades Eligible for Special Ed Under IDEA?

My child has struggled in school for years. He hasn’t failed because we provide private tutoring and work with him at home. We asked the school for special ed services. Continue Reading →

Can the School be Forced to Evaluate a Child?

What can you do if a school team refuses to evaluate a child? What can you do if the school team insists that an evaluation will not provide relevant information Continue Reading →

Is There a Legal Definition of Self Contained Classroom?

I am a special education teacher. I have some concerns and questions about how students are receiving the mandated special ed services. 1. Is there a legal definition of self-contained Continue Reading →