Pre-Pub Special Ends May 20th! New Book! Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments

At the printer now! Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments by Melissa Lee Farrall, Ph.D., SAIF, Pamela Darr Wright, MA MSW, and Peter W. D. Wright, Esq. Take advantage of Continue Reading →

POLL: Is Your School Doing a Great Job?

The results of the 2013 Nation’s Report Card, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), show that fourth- and eighth-graders made incremental progress in math and reading. The scores show Continue Reading →

Limited Access to Gifted & AP Programs for Kids with Disabilities

In March 2014, for the first time in nearly 15 years, The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released the first comprehensive look at civil rights data Continue Reading →

Update: 107,000 Students Subjected to Restraint/Seclusion. Contact Congress to Pass National Bill

New statistics show that in 2011-12, at least 70,000 students were subjected to physical restraint, and 37,000, to isolated seclusion. The statistics were released this Spring as part of the Continue Reading →

Do You Know Who is Providing Your Child’s Speech-Language Therapy? Part 2

One of the most controversial posts we’ve published on the Wrightslaw Way Blog was “Do You Know Who is Providing Your Child’s Speech-Language Therapy?” (Blog Discussion Part 1) If Continue Reading →