Cool Tool: Read Aloud Toolkit – Free from ASHA

As part of the early intervention campaign, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and Read Aloud 15 MINUTES have just released this new free resource. Communicating With Baby: Tips and Milestones Continue Reading →

10 Tips for Schools – Avoiding Confrontation with Parents!

Building an effective parent-school relationship works both ways. Navigating the confusing world of special education and the IEP process is difficult and stressful.  Positive collaboration by all players is in Continue Reading →

Wrightslaw Training in Columbus, OH on October 20, 2017

This Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Conference, a Wrightslaw training program featuring Pete Wright, Esq., is being sponsored by the Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio (DSACO). Conference fee Continue Reading →

Reminder! Wrightslaw Training in Charleston, SC Training

This Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Conference, a Wrightslaw training program featuring Pete Wright, Esq., is being sponsored by the Trident Academy. The training will take place at the Continue Reading →