Transforming Dyslexia from a Liability to an Asset


– From the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity Community, Sally Shaywitz, MD and Bennett Shaywitz, MD

“We are at a very special time for all those who care about dyslexia and a child (or an adult) who is dyslexic — and it is a time that demands our action.

A Resolution on Dyslexia presented to Congress by Representative Bill Cassidy represents the breakthrough that we have all been waiting and hoping for. This well thought-out resolution breathes fresh air and energy and yes, joy, into our mission to have dyslexia recognized so that the millions of deserving boys and girls, men and woman who are dyslexic can be diagnosed and receive the evidence-based services they deserve and require.

This is a time that calls for action — your action — to make sure that this Resolution becomes a reality. Yes, dreams can come true. Please act.

Urge Your Congressional Rep. to Support House Resolution on Dyslexia, #456

The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity congratulates Rep. Bill Cassidy for the House Resolution on Dyslexia (H.Res. 456, 113th Congress), at long last, recognizing that dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty that has profound educational implications.

Rep. Cassidy’s Resolution recognizes each major element of dyslexia:

  • high prevalence (1 in 5)
  • cognitive and neurobiological bases
  • unexpected nature
  • persistence and profound impact on education
  • critical need for action by schools

Dyslexia impacts your child’s education and can be properly and successfully addressed by schools. There is no excuse not to, our children and our nation’s futures are at stake. Schools must take their heads out of the ground and look up — to science and morality — and move forward.

Rep. Cassidy gets it!

Dyslexia is real and US Public Schools are moving too slow to address it properly.

Find your rep here.  Resolution on Dyslexia (PDF).   Find a Sample Letter

– From the Congressional Dyslexia Caucus

“Dyslexia robs individuals of their ability to read quickly and automatically and to retrieve spoken words easily but it does not dampen their creativity and ingenuity – skills important for America to prosper.  A recent GAO report (GAO-12-40) found that many students with learning and other disabilities, including dyslexia, are not receiving accommodations, such as extended testing time, required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) when they take high stakes examinations such as the SAT, GRE, LSAT, or US Medical Licensing Examinations and others.

This is unacceptable, and by working together we can make sure that those with learning abilities are receiving their proper and legal accommodations.”

  1. my son is now 18. he has struggled with reading since 4th grade and started with remedial reading. in 8th grade i brought my concern to the school, they brushed it off and when his grades went from B’s to C’s, D’s and F’s they said he wasnt motivated and was lazy. In th grade I finally had enough and asked for testing…Reading and Processing came back low. I blame myself for not pushing harder at that time but even then they brushed it off and said if he just applied himself he would get better grades…how could i let this go?! finally in 12th grade (Jan2014) I paid for an independent eval! DYSLEXIA! school refused to accept the dx. They graduated him, he never had an IEP or 504 his entire 12 years. Mediation tomorrow for with school district that failed him! I want justice for him. I just want them to admit they were wrong

  2. I have been trying to get help for our child with dyslexia from preschool through high school . It is hard to believe that after 15 years, I am still trying to get common sense , scientific supported accommodations into her IEP even with expert help . It is time for us to come together as a nation and listen to the numerous experts and people who live with dyslexia —- the information is available and we need to make it easily understood as part of the school culture . Children are struggling with reading , writing , math , homework and learning in school and it is time to help them . We have to respect all learning styles and the value of the human being

  3. We are going thru due process right now because the school district refuses to give my daughter a diagnosis of Dyslexia. It is a learning disability, but they do not have the proper education to help. We are supposed to be in the top ten school districts in America, but they do not seem to assist the children who have needs.

  4. Although it is terrific that people who are blind or dyslexic are having laws passed to provide them with access to print. Why do advocates narrow the scope of print disabilities? Millions of students who are not fortunate enough to be labeled with dyslexia , or screened before 4th grade which a new Wyoming law requires. What about the 4-12 grade students that have not had the luxury of growing more grey matter as the result of accessing novels and books of their interest in addition to text books. Remember equal rights should include ALL students not just those with labels.

  5. Schools need to be equipped to teach students how to read. Students need to know how to read to learn. Reading is the core of everything in school!

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