and advocates must understand that special education cases can generate as much
emotional intensity as a bitterly contested divorce, complicated by the battles
between expert witnesses that characterize medical malpractice cases." ("Representing
the Special Ed Child" by Pete Wright)
Thinking Like A Lawyer: An Educator's GUide to Legal Analysis and Research by Sarah E. Redfield.
The day-to-day lives of educators are increasingly bounded by the law. It is essential that educators understand the sources and roles of law in order to act appropriately and to avoid difficult and litigious situations.
This book provides a bridge between the legal professional and the education professional, offering an introduction to legal analysis, using narratives, actual court cases, study tips, research methodologies, and an extensive glossary to demystify the legal process. It aims to help educators understand how law is made, how to read the law analytically, and how to apply law to situations that arise in educational arenas.
Section 504 and Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Determining Eligibility, Developing Accommodation Plans, and Documenting Compliance by Tom E.C. Smith and James R. Patton.
This practical resource, now in its second edition, navigates public school personnel through the process of determining eligibility for students with disabilities as outlined in Section 504.
It also acts as a reference guide to the basics of both the legal formalities and practical applications of Section 504 in school settingsand includes Eligibility Determination Forms that provide a format for documentation of the appropriate steps taken in considering eligibility.
Law of Schools, Students, and Teachers in a Nutshell (Nutshell Series) by
Alexander and Alexander. "This
book covers school law in a clear and concise manner; language is easily understood;
should be on the desk of every teacher who is concerned about the welfare of children."
For more
information about The Law of Schools.
1983 Litigation in a Nutshell by Michael Collins (Nutshell Series).
In this
confused and confusing area of law, Michael Collins "KNOWS this material better
than most of the judges who decide 1983 cases every day. He practiced in this
area for years and teaches courses on 1983, civil procedure and federal courts.
He's one of the clearest writers you'll find. For more
information about Section 1983 Litigation.
Yourself in Court: How to Prepare and Try a Winning Case by
Paul Bergman & Sara Berman-Barrett. From
Wrightslaw: Parents often "shoot themselves in the foot" when they
negotiate with the school for services. If you think you may go to due process,
read Represent
Yourself in Court - you'll understand the process of litigation, &
how to prepare and present your case. "I
recommend this book not only for the lay person, but also for law students and
new attorneys. This book takes you step by step through the Court system,
explains how to bring a case into court, and how to present and win
that case. The references are excellent!" More information about Represent
Yourself in Court.
Research: How to Find and Understand the Law by Stephen Elias & Susan
Levinkind. A step-by-step guide: learn what's in a law library
and how to use it; find and update statutes, regulations & cases; how to explore
online resources; practice legal skills in the library; write a legal memorandum.
For information about Legal
Research: How to Find and Understand the Law |
Special Education Law: Cases and Materials by Mark C. Weber, Ralph Mawdsley, and Sarah E. Redfield. (2013)
This book is a unique offering in the growing field of Special Education Law and is designed to be used both in schools of education and in law schools.
It features a highly useful glossary of special education and legal terms, and contains an Appendix summarizing the main features of the latest revision of the federal special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004.
This book contains relevant statutory excerpts and carefully edited reports of the leading special education cases, together with extensive explanatory materials and provocative questions for class discussion. The book also features practical exercises for home assignments or in-class projects. .
The Fourth Edition of Special Education Law includes new cases on eligibility, damages, and other topics, as well as coverage of the new Infant and Toddler Program regulations, etc.
Do I Do When: The Answer Book on Special Education Law by Susan Gorn.
Clear answers to hundreds of questions about legal rights & responsibilities,
from eligibility, evaluations, IEPs, procedural safeguards, discipline, more.
Excellent resource for parents, educators, advocates and attorneys who want to
learn more about special education law.
Education Law and Litigation Treatise 
"Weber's book
is my 'Bible.' I use this book whenever I need a comprehensive analysis of
a special ed legal issue. The book includes an extensive listing of case cites,
statutes, regs, and thorough, insightful commentary. I have two copies
- one for the office and one for the house." - Pete
Wright More
info about "Special Education Law and Litigation Treatise"
"This is the best legal book I ever read!" - Pete Wright
Science & Techniques by Larry S. Pozner and Roger Dodd. "This
is more than a book on cross, it's a book on how to build your case. You'll
understand how cross examination dictates case themes, factual analysis and trial
strategies." "Pozner and Dodd's
book gave me tools that any attorney can use to successfully build my case and
cross any witness." "Pozner
and Dodd teach you how to turn 'their' evidence into 'your' evidence by using
their testimony to prove your case. I urge the trial attorney to attend one of
their day-long CLE seminars." Pete
info about Cross
Examination: Science & Techniques
It Please the Court The First Amendment Live Recordings and Transcripts of Oral
Arguments Before the Supreme Court by Peter Irons. (Book and 4
90 minute cassettes) First
Amendment includes a 1963 school-prayer case; a 1969 decision in which
the Court upheld students' right to wear black armbands to protest the Vietnam
War; a 1971 case striking down a state law criminalizing flag burning; and the
1971 Pentagon Papers case. May
It Please the Court. |