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Ava Goes.....Series
by Alicia Coleman-Clark and Ava Clark 

All of the books in this series are from a child's point of view. Children with autism are often presented with "social stories" to familiarize them with new experiences. Books include a resource page for parents to support them as they advocate for their child with special needs.

Ava Goes To The Dentist explains the process from beginning to end about what a trip to the dentist looks like.

Ava Goes to the Beach with Friends is the second book in the Ava Goes...series. This book is about a child with autism who goes to the beach for the first time.

Ava Goes to the Zoo finds Ava at the zoo. Ava is excited to share this new experience and looks forward to new adventures.

A portion of the authors royalties from the original sale of this book are going to the UC Davis MIND Institute and Stanford Universities Autism and Developmental Disorders Research Program for the respective continued research in autism.

Looking For Heroes: One Boy, One Year, 100 Letters
by Aidan A. Colvin, with Liisa S Ogburn  

An estimated 13 million students in the United States have dyslexia, a neurologic disorder that impairs reading. Reading quickly and accurately is often the key to success in school. Without it, many dyslexics struggle and fail. Some, however, go on to achieve wild success. How?

In this true story, dyslexic high school student Aidan Colvin decides to ask them. Over the course of one year, he writes 100 letters to successful dyslexics. He doesn't expect anyone to write back, and is genuinely surprised when people do. This book features letters from Writer John Irving, Arctic Explorer Ann Bancroft, Surgeon and CEO DelosCosgrove, Sculptor Thomas Sayre, Poet Phillip Schultz and others. It also features conversations with Comedian Jay Leno and Filmmaker Harvey Hubbe..

Good Night Captain Mama / Buenas Noches Capitan Mama
by Graciela Tiscareno-Sato 

This book is the first bilingual children’s picture book teaching young children (ages three to eight) why women and mommies wear military uniforms and serve in our nation’s armed forces. It debuted on the Amazon bestseller lists at the #1 spot in both “Hot New Releases” list for Children’s Hispanic/Latino books AND Children’s Military Fiction categories. It made the Bestseller lists in both categories.

Social Rules for Kids: The Top 100 Social Rules Kids Need to Succeed
by Susan Diamond, M.A. 

Many parents are not sure of what to say and do to help their children improve their social interactions. Social Rules for Kids - The Top 100 Social Rules Kids Need to Succeed helps open the door of communication between parent and child by addressing 100 social rules for home, school, and the community. Using simple, easy-to-follow rules covering topics such as body language, manners, feelings and more, this book aims to make students lives easier and more successful by outlining specific ways to interact with others on a daily basis.

Arthur: The Boy with his Head in the CloudsArthur: The Boy With His Head in the Clouds - kid friendly DVD

All the kids know that George is smart-so why does he sometimes have trouble reading and writing? With a little help from others with dyslexia like Principal Haney... and Leonardo Di Vinci! Arthur, The Boy with his Head in the Clouds.

Also available for viewing on PBS.

Eagle Eyes : A Child's Guide to Paying Attention by Jeanne Gehret  (age 9-12 ) 

The Don'T-Give-Up Kid and Learning Differences Book  by Jeanne Gehret. (age 9-12)

How Dyslexic Benny Became a Star
by Joe Griffith, Jenny Schulz (Illustrator), G. Reid Lyon. 

A Texas reviewer says "One of the BEST stories of hope for children with dyslexia! This story should be shared with parents, teachers and specially children who have dyslexia. I have read this story to my Language Training students who have been inspired by this book." (Reading level: ages 9-12)

Leaning to Slow Down and Pay Attention, A book for Kids about ADHDLearning to Slow Down and Pay Attention: A Book for Kids about ADHD by Kathleen Nadeau and Ellen Dixon

This short paperback book was created to be read by parents to children ages 6 through 11 who have AD/HD, need to understand it better, and need age-appropriate tips for:

  • Remembering stuff
  • Getting ready in the morning
  • Staying focused
  • Asking for help

This newly revised third edition also has practical tips for parents with a list of excellent resources.

The authors also have a website at

 For Adolescents & Young Adults 

Learning Outside the Lines: Two Ivy League Students with LD & ADHD Give You to Tools for Academic Success
Mooney, Cole 

This is an inspiring, practical book written by 2 college students: Jonathon has dyslexia, David has ADHD
This book gives hope to parents and adolescents who are often demoralized by school experiences. Includes practical strategies for kids to use: notebook organization, note taking, test taking, cramming, reading, and more. For more information about Learning Outside the Lines

How to Develope a Super Power Memory by Harry Lorayne How to Develop a Superpower Memory : More Money, Higher Grades, More Friends

by Harry Lorayne.

Develop instant recall and a filing-cabinet memory with easy-to-master techniques from the man with "The World's Most Phenomenal Memory." Develop a photographic memory and increase your memory capacity by tenfold with this practical and lucid guide.

ADD: A Different Perception (revised) by Thom Hartmann gives examples of successful, creative, and dynamic individuals throughout history who were affected by ADD.

"I was looking for positive books on ADD to boost my 11-yr old son's self-esteem after we recently both began treatment for this "disorder." 

Learning a Living: A Guide to Planning Your Career and Finding a Job for People with Learning Disabilities, ADD, Dyslexia by Dale Brown.

Career guide for young people with learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADD/ADHD; teaches you how to emphasize strengths and minimize negative effects of disabilities.  Excellent book, well organized. Filled with practical advice, tips. More info.
Unlocking Potential: College & Other Choices for People with LD and AD/HD

Focuses on needs of high school students who need to prepare for life after graduation. Advice, practical tips, resources to make transition from high school a successful experience. For more info.

I Would If I Could: A Teenagers Guide to ADHD by Michael Gordon. 
"Written from the point of view of a teenager with ADHD, the book opened my eyes to how my son feels about having and dealing with this problem. After reading part of the book to him, I caught him looking thru the book several times. I think he is relieved that someone else knows how it feels to struggle with ADHD."


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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition by Pete and Pam Wright
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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