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7 Steps to College Success - A Pathway for Students with Disabilities  

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by Elizabeth Hamblet

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7 Steps to College Success - A Pathway for Students with Disabilities

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"Planning for college and have an IEP or a Section 504 plan? You and your parents must read this book - it's awesome! You will learn that the disability services and applicable laws in higher education are quite different from what you experienced at the secondary school level. Hamblet is the national expert on higher ed transition issues for the student with special needs." Peter W. D. Wright, Esq - co-founder, Wrightslaw.

7 Steps to College Success - A Pathway for Students with Disabilities

by Elizabeth Hamblet (ISBN 13: 978-1-4758-6444-1, 213 pages, hard cover, ($31.95) provides a clear path to prepare students with disabilities for a successful transition to college.

College is a different world from high school. The laws, expectations, and culture around disability services and accommodations are different, too.

Elizabeth Hamblet, a Columbia University Learning Specialist/Consultant and recognized transition speaker and writer, has written a unique step-by-step guide that is an essential resource for college-bound students, their families, and the special educators and school counselors who work with them.

Elizabeth Hamblet breaks the process down into seven logical steps.

Step 1. Learning How the Laws Apply to College Students with Disabilities.

Step 2. Knowing a Student's Responsiblities and Rights.

Step 3. Developing the Student's Nonacademic Skills.

Step 4. Developing the Student's Academic Skills.

Step 5. Identifying Colleges That Are a Good Fit.

Step 6. Applying for College Admission.

Step 7. Requesting Accommodations.

Meet Elizabeth Hamblet
Elizabeth Hamblet is the author of From High School to College: Steps to Success for Students with Disabilities, a unique step-by-step guide and essential resource for college-bound students, their families, and the special educators and school counselors who work with them.

Elizabeth Hamblet

Elizabeth Hamblet is the author of 7 Steps to College success - A Pathway for Students with Disabilities, a unique step-by-step guide and essential resource for college-bound students, their families, and the special educators and school counselors who work with them.

In 7 Steps to College Success - A Pathway for Students with Disabilities you will learn how:

* students access accommodations, and which ones commonly are and aren't approved,
* parents and professionals can help students develop the key personal and academic skills needed for self-management at college,
* students can find colleges that are a good fit in all of the important ways and what admissions directors want them to know about the application process

Elizabeth works as a learning specialist/consultant at Columbia University, where she helps students with time management, organization, reading, and study skills.

We encourage you to visit where you will learn more about her book, read dozens of articles about transition and related subjects. Elizabeth shares bonus content from her book and provides information on other topics on the LDAdvisory Blog.

Her writings on transition have been published in several national journals, including Teaching Exceptional Children, NASP Communique and the National Association for College Admission Counseling. You can see a full listing of Elizabeth's published works on the Articles by Elizabeth Hamblet page of her site,


Elizabeth presents Preparing Students with Disabilities for Successful College Transition, a program that covers the steps for successful transition in varying degrees of detail (1-6 hours). Presentations by Elizabeth Hamblet"

Copyright © 2020 by Elizabeth Hamblet.

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