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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition" by Peter W. D. Wright & Pamela Darr Wright

Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd ed. by Peter W. D. Wright & Pamela Darr Wright

Coming Soon! Pre-Publication Offer on the New Wrightslaw Book - Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition!

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, Third Edition by Peter W.D. Wright and Pamela Darr Wright has expanded to include:

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
  • Americans with Disabilities Act of 2008
  • Family Educational Records Privacy Act
  • McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
  • Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, U.S. Constitution
  • Analysis, Commentary, and Interpretation

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, other federal statutes, and available in two formats, a book and a book & e-book combo. The book includes:

Formats     How to Order  Discounts   The E-book   Legal Updates

Synopsis   Table of Contents  About the Authors    Early Reviews

Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition
is designed to meet the needs of parents, teachers, advocates, attorneys, related services providers, school psychologists, administrators, college professors, hearing officers, and employees of district and state departments of education. More than 500,000 copies are now in print!
Formats: Book Publication and Book, E-book Combo and PDF Download

<2>Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Editionis available in three versions: as a book and as a book, e-book combo, and PDF Download.

Book (456 pages, 8 1/2" x 11", perfect bound, $29.95 plus shipping) Order

E-book and Book Combo (456 pages, 8 1/2" x 11", perfect bound, $44.95 plus shipping) When you order the Special Education Law E-book and Book Combo, you'll receive a link to the
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition E-book (3.8 mgs) immediately.

PDF Download (3.8 mgs, $19.95) The text in the Special Education Law PDF is identical to the print version. The PDF has bookmarks, page thumbnails, hyperlinks to hundreds of references, and is designed to help you find information on specific topics quickly and easily. Order

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How To Order

Internet: Place your order in the Wrightslaw store at
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law E-book will be added to your shopping cart during check-out.

To speak with a person who can take your order, please call our toll-free number - 877-529-4332.

Toll-free fax: Download the order form, fill in the fields, and fax your order to 800-863-5348.

: Download the the order form, fill in the fields, including your email address, and send your order and payment to:
Harbor House Law Press, Inc., P. O. Box 480, Hartfield, VA 23071.

Don't forget to include a legible email address!

Exam Copies - Many colleges and universities use Wrightslaw books in education, special education and special education law courses. Order an Exam Copy


Discounts for bulk orders (units of 20 or more) of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition are available at discounts of 20% to 50%. Bulk orders do not include the e-book.

1-9 books: $29.95                              10-19 books (20% discount): $23.96
20-99 books (40% discount): $17.97       100+ books (50% discount: $14.98

Student Discounts - 45% Off!

Students who attend post-secondary institutions (colleges, universities and law schools) and who will use Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition in a course are eligible for a 45% discount on the Wrightslaw: Special Education Law & E-book Combo - Save $20! Learn about Student Discounts

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The E-book

The Wrightslaw: Special Education Law e-book includes bookmarks and page thumbnails so you can move easily between chapters and pages. You can quickly search the entire book for information on specific topics or terms.

When you purchase the Print & E-book Combo, you will receive a receipt by email that includes a link. When you click this link, the book file (3.7 mgs) will be downloaded onto your computer. Depending on your connection speed, this may take a few minutes to complete.

The Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition e-book is in PDF. To read it, you need Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader. If Adobe Reader is not installed on your computer, you can download a free copy of Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website. If you have a problem opening the e-book, go to the Adobe website and download the most recent version of the Acrobat Reader program.

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The reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 is confusing to parents, educators, and even to most attorneys.

Ignorance of the law can be as damaging as the child’s disability.

What does the law say about Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs) and IEP teams? Transition plans? What does the law say about reviewing and revising IEPs? Multi-year IEPs? Who may be excused from IEP meetings and under what circumstances?

What does the law say about evaluations, reevaluations and parental consent? What does the law say about the use of discrepancy formulas and response to intervention to identify children with specific learning disabilities?

What are the requirements for highly qualified special education teachers? When do these requirements go into effect? How can special education teachers meet the highly qualified teacher requirements?

What does IDEA 2004 say about child find? Special education services to children who attend private schools and charter schools? What does the law say about inclusion, mainstreaming and least restrictive environment?

What are early intervening services? Who is eligible for early intervening services? Who is entitled to accommodations? Alternate assessments? Who makes these decisions?

What does the law say about independent educational evaluations? Parent access to education records? Mediation? Parent notice? Prior written notice? Due Process Complaint Notice?

What are the new requirements for due process hearings? Resolution sessions? Qualifications for hearing officers? Attorneys' fees?

What does IDEA 2004 say about discipline? Positive behavioral intervention plans? Interim alternative placements? Manifestation Review Hearings

Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition will help you find answers to your questions!

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Legal Updates

Special education law is always changing. Since the second edition of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law was published in 2006, the U.S. Department of Education has issued several new regulations and the U.S. Supreme Court has issued decisions in new cases.

Changes to the law and/or regulations and new decisions from the U.S. Supreme Court will be available on two Update Pages at:

and (This page references the changes in the book by the page number.)


Table of Contents

Section One: Law, Background and History
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Statutes, Regulations, Commentary, Judicial Interpretations and Caselaw
Chapter 3. A Short History of Special Education Law

Section Two – Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004)
Chapter 4: Overview of IDEA 2004
Chapter 5: Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 with analysis and commentary
Chapter 6: IDEA 2004 Regulations (34 C.F.R. 300, et seq.)

Section Three: Other Federal Education Statutes
Chapter 7. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Chapter 8. No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (In 2015, this was replaced with ESSA, which is not in this book.)
Chapter 9. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Chapter 10. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

Section Four – Special Education Caselaw
Chapter 11. Overview of Special Education Caselaw
Chapter 12. Special Education Law Casebook (includes major decisions in special education cases by the U. S. Supreme Court)

Section Five: Resources

Appendix A: Resources and References
Appendix B: Glossary of Special Education Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms

Complete Table of Contents (in pdf)

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About the Authors

Pete and Pam Wright were Adjunct Professors of Law at the William and Mary Law School where they taught a course about special education law and advocacy and assisted with creation of the Law School's Special Education Law Clinic. Pete and Pam are co-founders and faculty at the William & Mary Law Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA).

Pete Wright
is an attorney who has represented children with disabilities and their parents since the 1970s. Pete argued and won a landmark special education case before the U. S. Supreme Court. Bio

Pam Wright
, a psychotherapist, has written scores of articles about special education advocacy. She is also the editor of The Special Ed Advocate, the free weekly online newsletter about special education law and advocacy issues. Bio  

They are the co-authors of Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition. Pete Wright, Pam Wright and Suzanne Whitney Heath are the co-authors of Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind.

Pete and Pam built Wrightslaw, the #1 site about special education law and advocacy for parents, attorneys, advocates, and educators, and the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities.

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Early Reviews

"Get to the office supply store and buy some tabs! Pete and Pam Wright did it again! Every parent and advocate should have this book as a companion to From Emotions to Advocacy." -- Loni Allen, Education Department, Parents Helping Parents, and advocate for families.

"... a detailed guide to everything parents need to know about IDEA 2004, the law governing their children’s access to a free, appropriate education." -- Jane Ross, Executive Director, Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities

"Once again, the Wrights have proved their ability to simplify the complexities of special education laws for the lay person. Parents and teachers alike will benefit from the new second edition of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law." -- Sonja Kerr, Esq., attorney in Alaska

"The selection, organization, and presentation of material and explanatory commentary make Wrightslaw: Special Education Law an essential book for everyone involved in any aspect of special education." -- John O. Willis, Ed.D., SAIF Assessment Specialist, Lecturer in Assessment, Rivier College, New Hampshire

"Wrightslaw: Special Education Law brings together federal laws, regulations, and major case law in one concise book. The annotations and explanations clarify the most complex points of special education law. Wrightslaw: Special Education Law is an indispensable resource for parents and professionals alike. -- Barbara Ebenstein, Esq., attorney in New York

"Wrightslaw: Special Education Law puts all the information that a parent, school person or advocate needs in one place. The book is succinct, but material is covered in a depth that will enable readers at different levels to understand and learn from it." -- Dr. John McCook, director of special education, Knox County, Tennessee

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Revised: 8/30/2022
Created: 10/05/06

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