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Spanish Translation of Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy

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Update: October 7, 2010 - We have narrowed the list down to five potential translators. They will be submitting another chapter for review and comments from anyone interested in assisting us with this project. When the new translations are received and posted to our website, we will revise this page with the link and announce their posting in our free online newsletter.


We are seeking a translator for Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy (FETA). We are also looking for individuals who are fluent in English and Spanish who are willing to act as reviewers.

To Potential Translators

If you are interested in translating the book, please send an email to spanish |at| harborhouselaw.comI will assign you an identification code.

Your job is to translate Chapter Nine of the FETA book. To ensure that all translators use the same version of Chapter Nine, please download and translate this file:

Please follow these rules.

* Translate Chapter Nine as a Word.doc.
* All Margins (top, bottom and sides): 1 inch. Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.
* Paragraphs: Single space with double spacing, (i.e., two carrier returns) between each paragraph. Do not indent the first word of a paragraph.
* Header: FETA, Chapter 9, Spanish Translation by . . . (your identification code.)
* Footer: Number each page, including the first page. Center the page numbers.

Do not format the text by applying bold, italics, underlining, or centering text. Do not insert any special symbols or characters from the original chapter.

After I receive your translation of Chapter Nine, I will convert it to an Adobe pdf file and place it on the Harbor House Law Press website for the reviewers to download.

If you are selected to be the translator of Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, Harbor House Law Press will provide an author/publisher contract for your signature.

This contract will include a royalty payment to you in the amount of 3.5% of the retail price of each book sold. You will also receive 20 free copies of the book to distribute.
Your name will be listed on the cover and the title page of the book. The book will include background information about you.

Deadline: Please email your translation to spanish |at| no later than Monday, August 9, 2010 at 6:00 pm EDT. Be sure to include your mailing address, your preferred email address, and your day and evening telephone numbers.

To Potential Reviewers

If you are interested in acting as a reviewer, please send an email to spanish |at| with information about your background, skills, and interests. Be sure to include your mailing address, preferred email address, and your day and evening telephone numbers.

You will begin by reviewing translations of Chapter Nine. Your input will help us select a translator. After the translation is complete, we will ask reviewers to read and review a few chapters. We will not ask any reviewer to read the entire book.

We will acknowledge the reviewers in the front of the book and will send each reviewer two autographed copies of the Spanish translation.

To All

Please send all email to spanish |at|

Be sure the subject line for all emails begins with SPANISH in all caps, followed by the subject.

Many thanks for your interest.

Pete & Pam Wright

Last revised: 10/07/2010
Created: 07/28/10

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