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From Emotions to Advocacy
The Special Education Survival Guide by Pam and Pete Wright
From Emotions to Advocacy Front Cover

What People Are Saying . . .

"Did you promise yourself you would be better prepared for your Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting this year? If so, Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy will serve as your guide, whether you are new to IEPs or a seasoned pro."

"The information is presented in a clear and concise format. You will not want to skip a single page . . . This is the book you will pull out before every meeting . . ." - Exceptional Parent

Exceptional Parent Symbol of Excellence"The Wright's have given families a clear roadmap to effective advocacy for their child. We award their work the Exceptional Parent Symbol of Excellence." Read full review

"A superb reference, From Emotions To Advocacy is very highly recommended reading for all parents of children in need of adapted or special education services, and should be available in all community library Parenting reference collections . . . Filled with tips, tricks, and techniques and an immense wealth of resources, from Internet sites about disabilities to advocacy organizations to worksheets, forms, and sample letters to guide one's written communication." - Midwest Book Review

"If I were asked to choose just one book to help me learn advocacy skills, this is it!" - Suppport for Families of Children with Disabilities Newsletter

"This book provides a clear roadmap to effective advocacy" - DD Quarterly

"To fully comprehend the importance of testing, and what the results tell us, read Chapters 10 and 11 about Tests and Measurements, and Chapter 12 about SMART IEPs - this information is essential for parents and professionals." - Hands and Voices Communicator

"Pete and Pam Wright have pulled together one of the most important how-to manuals ever written for navigating your way through the morass of special education, and for using the law to demand/get a good education for your child. I highly recommend you get and read this book: it's a goldmine of information! - Thom Hartmann, author, ADD: A Different Perception

"From Emotions to Advocacy is the best, most practical, informative, empathetic book on the market. It's amazing and thrilling to be an advocate for 15 years, to read FETA, and feel the thrill of 'Oh, my God! that is so true', and to be able to sharpen my skills." - Fran Dobrowolski, New Hampshire Advocate

"An invaluable, user-friendly resource for parents of children with disabilities! This book is packed with critical information, and provides clear, practical professional guidance that will empower parents with the necessary skills, tools and knowledge for successfully advocating in their child’s behalf." – Sandra Rief, author of How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children

"Pete and Pam Wright accomplish a remarkable feat in their new advocacy book . . . they draw a clear roadmap for parents to follow and make the process understandable and workable. Kudos for accomplishing such a huge task!" – Judy Bonnell, parent and advocate

"From Emotions to Advocacy (FETA) teaches many wonderful things. You learn to organize your thoughts, concerns and plan for your childs education. You learn how to organize the mounds of paper produced by special education. Now when I walk into meetings and seminars, everything I need is at my fingertips."

"FETA does someting else amazing, it helps you to understand TEST SCORES! We all need help with that! I could go on forever about the FETA book. From special education laws, IEPs, how to write effective letters, resources - it's ALL in the FETA book! Get this book!" Jackie B, parent from New Jersey

"Beautifully written, clear-cut . . ." – Linda Morrissey, parent and advocate

"This book will reach the minds and hearts of every parent and advocate. How I wish I had a guide like this when my child entered the system!" – Maureen Reyes, parent advocate

"The bible of special education advocacy for proactive parents . . . like having a trusted, knowledgeable friend to help you every step of the way. From Emotions to Advocacy shows you what to do so you do it right the first time!" – Darlene Trousdale

"From Emotions to Advocacy tips the scales. Everything is here!" – Sue Heath, parent and advocate

"In an-easy-to-follow format, From Emotions to Advocacy describes the steps for successful, effective advocacy. This book will help seasoned advocates and parents who are just beginning the advocacy journey." – Melanie Allen, advocate and parent of two special needs children

"From Emotions to Advocacy should be sent to every parent and issued to every hearing officer. In short, this book is wonderful!" – Sonja Kerr, Esq.

"From Emotions to Advocacy is a ‘must have’ for any parent with a special needs child. It takes away the guesswork and paves an easier road for parents to travel." – Laurie Mix, parent advocate

"Invaluable for parents who are beginning, and for those who are experienced advocates who need a good reference. Like so many parents, we will always be in your debt." – Catherine Worthington, parent advocate

Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy - The Special Education Survival Guide by Peter W. D. Wright and Pamela Darr Wright. ISBN: 1-892320-08-8. Publisher: Harbor House Law Press 


Chapter 1

Index (pdf)


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