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Home > Books > Wrightslaw: All About IEPs by Peter W. D. Wright, Pamela Darr Wright , and Sandra Webb O'Connor |
| Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
Wrightslaw: All About IEPs (ISBN: 978-1-892320-20-9) by Pete Wright, Pam Wright, and Sue O'Connor, 192 pages, $12.95. In this comprehensive, easy-to-read book, you will find clear, concise answers to frequently asked questions about IEPs. Learn what the law says about:
In Wrightslaw: All About IEPs, we answer more than 200 questions and guide you through scenarios. We will describe legal issues that you may encounter if you have a child with a disability who receives special education services. We will outline your rights and responsibilities, and explain the law in plain language you can understand. Wrightslaw: All About IEPs is an FAQs book, not an encyclopedia of every conceivable question anyone could ask. As you read these questions and answers, you may feel like you are having a conversation with Pete, Pam, and Sue. Or you may feel like you are reading an advice column. When you read a question that captures your interest, you wonder what advice we will give. Wrightslaw: All About IEPs includes resources if you want or need to go deeper. It also includes endnotes at the end of each chapter so you the authority for the answers. If you take the book to a school meeting, you will have the law, regulation, OSEP publication, or commentary that we relied upon in our answers. Legal Resources for Wrightslaw: All About IEPs. Wrightslaw: All about IEPs is illustrated, two color, and includes recommended resources, advocate's tips, and checklists. The book includes two appendices, a glossary of terms, a bibliography of references, and an index. The price is rock bottom - $12.95. We wanted to make sure that everyone who needs to learn "all about IEPs" can afford it. New E-Book Formats Available! $7.95! (Save $5.00 - 38%) Kindle - Text to speech enabled, Download FREE Sample Chapter iPad - Text to speech enabled, Download FREE Sample Chapter FAQs about eBook formats. Wrightslaw:
All About IEPs, Frequently Asked Questions about IEPs, is
an invaluable resource for parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys. You will refer to this book again and again. How
To Order Discounts Table of Questions Introduction Chapter 1. Getting Started Chapter 3. Parent Participation & Consent Chapter 5. Related Services, Supplementary Aids &Services Chapter 6. Progress, Accommodations, Modifications, and Alternate Assessments Chapter 7. Special Factors in IEPs Chapter 9. Transition to Life After School Chapter 10. Placement Chapter 11. Reviewing and Revising the IEP Chapter 12. Extended School Year Services (ESY) Chapter 13. Transfers and Education Records Chapter 14. Resolving Parent-School Disputes Appendix A. IEP Statutes in IDEA 2004 Appendix B. IEP Regulations, 34 C.F.R. Part 300 Appendix C. Glossary of Terms Bibliography Index Legal Resources for Wrightslaw: All About IEPs. Complete Table of Contents (in pdf) Pete and Pam Wright are authors of several best-selling books, including Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition. The Wrights are also Adjunct Professors of Law at the William and Mary Law School. Sandra Webb O'Connor provides wise advice and reliable information as the editor of The Special Ed Advocate from Wrightslaw, the #1 ranked special education web site. To
Top "If you are looking for answers to many of your unsolved questions
or would like to know more about special education and the IEP process,
I highly recommend this book!" -- Joan Hourihane, On The Spectrum
AHA Newsletter These tidbits and hundreds more are packed into Wrightslaw: All About IEPs - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About IEPs, a handy new book by the team at Wrightslaw (Peter Wright, Pamela Wright, and Sandra W. O’Connor). This guide should be required reading for parents of kids in special education and is a good one to bring to every team meeting. Accessible enough for a total newbie, the book also has information that will come as a surprise to even the most veteran advocate. All About IEPs features 14 chapters' worth of facts, including sections on transition, assistive technology, placement, extended school year, and more. Each chapter starts with the basics and then takes on a Q & A format. The tone is casual (not filled with special ed jargon), and there are specific examples of the topic being discussed. For those who want to dig deeper, the book has pointers to the section in IDEA (Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, the federal law regulating special education) where that particular issue is covered. All About IEPs also includes links where parents can find more information on various topics and a helpful glossary for those not conversant in edu-speak."-- By Valle Dwight, www.greatschools.org "I love this book. I really like the Q and A format - it is easy to find the specific answers you need. Very clear, concise, and sharply focused." -- Debbie Harrison, Educator, VA "This book is a great resource for parents and educators." -- Dr. Mary Beth Gustafson, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, Pocono Mountain School District, PA "The endnotes as a source of authority are great! If parents cannot find the authority, all they have is their opinion. Opinion has no standing at an IEP meeting." -- Sue Whitney, New Hampshire Advocate "I love the question and answer format. I felt like we were having a conversation. Thank you for describing what ESY looks like - a critical chapter for families. I look for materials for parents that are easy to read and useful information that pertains to the family. I would say that you are going to nail it! Thanks for providing yet another wonderful resource." -- Patty Kishi, Vice-President, Autism Bridges Maui "I like this layout. As a parent, it provides straightforward answers to real life questions." -- David Cockrell, SC Parent "Great chapter on "IEP Team and IEP Team Meetings," great to read before our IEP next week." -- Lisa Nagy and Frans Tax, Professors, University of AZ "I never doubted that this book would fly off the shelves, real or virtual. The soundness of the information you have made available to so many resonates with parents and advocates alike. Your approach to empowerment, problem solving and maintaining oversight of progress is, quite simply, very effective. I have seen it work so many times. I was describing the work of an advocate to someone recently, and he commented, "You really do make a difference in someone's life." The feeling of seeing that graduation announcement is difficult to top. Seeing a school team move from "He'll never graduate, The work is too hard for him." to "With these accommodations, he can go to any school." is beyond grand. I congratulate the Wrightslaw Team for another great book that belongs in the library of every parent of a child with a disability, every advocate, and, I would suggest as well, every CSE office in the country." -- Debbie Larson, Parent Advocate, Batavia, NY "Pete and Pam have done it again! I just received my copy of All About IEPs, and Pete and Pam have another winner on their hands! The organization and content makes this an excellent guide to carry with you to meetings (after you have memorized it, of course). I urge everyone to order a copy today and make it a number one priority for immediate reading." -- Sharon, Advocate, NYC,NY "GREAT BOOK! With the "worksheets," it's a great way for parents to organize their thoughts. When I worked in the public school system, we had a SPED team that basically sat down with parents and worked them through this type of outline. However, I know parents still left dazed sometimes, especially if their child had a large team of specialists. Parents who come in with their thoughts and questions already organized will walk away feeling more in control and more aware of the services their child will be receiving." -- Dyann F. Rupp, SLP To Top